Best Places to Run in Madrid

As I have said before, I didn’t join the gym last year so my fitness routine was limited to going for runs or doing NTC in the park near my house or in my room.  Running (or walking) around a city is my absolute favorite way to see a new city, figure out the lay […]

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5 Steps for Fueling My Fitness!

Hey, hey, hey! It has been fo-or-ev-er since I’ve really written about exercise and the like.  I’ve been slacking with the posts, but not with the workouts (I swear!!).  ETB Fit, a nutritional supplement company, inspired me to tell you all about how I fuel my fitness before, during and after my workouts.  Feel free […]

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Fitness Friday 5/8/2015

I know I write about having fun and eating unhealthy food often…but….I still do workout!  Multiple times a week, actually.  I should get back to writing about it, so here’s to doing just that!  Cheers and have a great weekend! Saturday: Rest (But I worked at a wedding for 12 hours and was on my […]

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Fitness Friday 1/15/2015

It’s been weeks…okay, months, since I have made any mention of exercise on this little blog of mine.  BHUT!  That doesn’t mean I haven’t been movin’ and groovin’ along all this time.  I guess I haven’t written about the gym/ exercise all that much because my workouts have felt uninspired and repetitive.  Think: a lot […]

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Fitness Friday: First Week Of Senior Year

A busy week, yes, but that didn’t get me to fall off the exercise bandwagon.  Check it out! Friday: Rest day.  I needed it after those 20 miles…and it was Freshman Move-In Day! Saturday: 3.5 mile run and a trip to the gym to do a series of triceps exercises and abs.  The run felt […]

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