Food Lately and Some Teddy, Too

Another accidental hiatus these past couple of weeks!  It feels like I’ve been busier than busy with work (catering and hosting) and school (Spanish and calculus and OAT) and doing other summery things.  I’ll try to fill you in with what I’ve been doing and eating with another Lately post.  Here we goooo! Studying I’m […]

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Since everyone is well aware of my dedicated love affair with breakfast, I thought it would be nice to change things up and share some weekly lunches!  I usually spend the majority (read:the entire) day at school and I have a goal to never spend money on food…so…I carry it all in my handy dandy […]

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WIAW: When You Only Have Nine Meals Per Week

…you must get crafty, or you will starve and/or survive off of cereal. (Not a bad alternative.  I know, I have been there). As addicting and delicious as mug after mug of cereal can be, it isn’t the healthiest option and can leave you quite hungry.  So that means I need to get creative with […]

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What I Ate Wednesday {In A Rush}

Hey, folks! This is going to be snappy since I’m pressed for time.  Gotta get everything together before   leaving for school TOMORROW! *This is what I ate last Wednesday, but my blog was acting funky so I couldn’t post. BreakfastI know, I know.  I’m sorry.  This breakfast is getting old, but I need to soak […]

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