Some Things

where to live in Madrid

Good afternoon, people!  I am sort of blanking on what I should write about this Friday afternoon, but I thought I would keep it light and just tell you things.

  • This week, I have written more blog posts than I’ve ever written in my entire life.  After asking Facebook what types of posts they wanted to see, I got a HUGE response.  I now have a list of over 40 blog post ideas which I am super excited to post and share (I have 3 new ones scheduled for next week!).  As always, I want to write posts that you all want to read, so please let me know if you have requests in the comments!

Some things

  • I don’t know what’s been wrong with me, but for the last 2 weeks, I have been incredibly tired despite getting enough sleep.  I’ve been searching things like ‘why am I so tired?’ and ‘what’s wrong with me’.  All in all, I have learned: I probably have cancer and will probably die.  … According to Google.  It looks like it could be: stress, lack of deep sleep, not a proper diet, the weather, etc.  To try to fix it, I have been taking iron supplements and have started using the Sleep Cycle app again.  Taking 2 hour naps during the day is nice and all, but I also feel like a schmuck.
  • I don’t have any concrete plans for this weekend, but tonight Luis and I are planning to visit the Reina Sofia museum (free from 7-9 pm) and then we are going to have dinner at this Chinese restauarant called Restauarante Xiongzai that everyone says is the best Chinese food in Madrid- incredibly affordable and authentic, and lots of Winnie the Pooh decorations on the wall.  What more can you ask for?

Some Things

  • I am currently on hold with PayPal since I have money in my account and cannot, for the life of me, remember my password.  I have been on hold for 30 minutes. KILLLLLLL MEEEEEEEEE
  • In T-Minus 1.5 weeks, we are leaving for California!  I am so excited!!!  We have a 12 day road trip planned, and I will sharing the itinerary and all recommendations I got.  Keep an eye out.

Some Things

  • I’ve been eating a whole lot of basil lately.  And salmon.  And watermelon.  Not all together.

Some things

I am going to go drink a coffee because, despite my two hour nap earlier, I still feel sleepy!

Have a good weekend!


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  1. A “schmuck” is a decoration, (in German), like something you might buy in a gift shop; in Yiddish its meaning is similar, but no gift shop involved.

    Try looking up probiotics and fatigue. I saw a package at CVS that suggested a relationship between need for probiotics/ prebiotics and fatigue.

    BTW, I have no captcha code on my Kindle when I want to post from the Kindle to comments.