May Goals!

Happy Friday, everyone!

In my current unemployed existence, Friday doesn’t really mean anything to me, but I’m still happy it’s the weekend!ImageReview of May Goals

1. Volunteer 20 hours

I kind of did this, but not really.  What I have been doing is more along the lines of watching, and less actual doing.  Hopefully, over the course of the summer, that will change!

2. Finish the semester with A’s on 4/5 finals. 

Close, but no cigar.  The end of the semester was rough and I still feel burnt out from it.  These lazy days of summer are helping, though!

3. See my friends even after school ends.

This once I can say YES!  We have all gotten together a few times now and I’m so happy about it (and relieved)!  We have been taking turns making the drive and it’s working out!  Now we just need to keep it up throughout the summer as we all start new jobs and new adventures 😉

Old picture, but it gets the point across!

*John, if you see this, I don’t have any pictures with all of us, but you should be in this too 🙂

4.  Run 70 miles over the course of the month.

Ahhh, check!  I ran a total of 88.5 miles this month!  It wasn’t easy, and I definitely had to plan some long runs (6+ miles), and run a few miles on days when I wouldn’t normally run.  I’m definitely not going to run as much during June because it’s too hot, and I think it was starting to take a toll on my poor ankles.  It was a fun goal to work towards, though, and I definitely feel like I stronger runner because of it!  Next month- SWIMMING!Image5.  Spend more time with my brother.

Still working on this one, but hopefully we can hang out a bit more as the summer goes on!

June Goals

1. Run 30 miles and swim one mile. 

I’m not really sure how many laps make a mile, but I know it’s doable!  I’m not a huge fan of swimming for exercise, so I want to start small before I get in over my head (ha ha).  The pool doesn’t open until the middle of June, so I will only have a couple of weeks to do this.

2. Read two books.

I just picked up a few books at the library, which I’m excited to read!

3.  Go to an amusement park or water park.

For the last two summers, I have talked and talked about wanting to do this, but it never seems to come together.  I’m determined to make this happen!

4.  Volunteer at least one time.

I plan to volunteer with the Jewish Relief Agency this month!

5.  Get out and do more with Russy.

Even though it’s the summer, we still only see each other on the weekends and maybe once during the week, so I want to make sure we make the most of our time together and go out and see new places and try new things!  We went to the Phillies Game on Wednesday night (for his birthday) and it was so much fun!  It was the first game I’ve been to in a long time and it was a really great game (according to Russ).  The atmosphere is a lot of fun, so hopefully we can get to one more game this summer.ImageEnjoy your weekend!


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