Review of June Goals

Hey, hey people!

I just realized that it is already JULY! Not only does this mean that my summer is HALF over (*cue water works*), but it also means that I need to review last month’s goals. I think I’m going to take a break from my Goal posts, at least for the rest of the summer. Maybe I’ll bring it back when school starts again. Actually, I need to start thinking about my goals for, you know, my life. Lots of pondering needs to happen, but that’s a whole other topic.

Let’s get to it, shall we?!
1. Run 30 miles and swim one mile.20130703-073739.jpgThis picture doesn’t adequately display the sweat that I was drenched in. I was seriously soaked. Anyway, beside the incredible amount of sweat that I pour out, I was also able to run at least thirty miles. I stopped keeping track after the first week, but I know I averaged somewhere between 16 and 20 miles each week since I ran four miles on many days. That brings me to 64-80 miles this month. I really did intend to take a small break from running, but it’s my thing! I have, however, been running incredibly slow. I don’t know what it is, but going much faster than 9.30 miles is a huge effort and pretty uncomfortable. Instead of worrying about it, I have been rolling with the punches and just doing what feels comfortable. My normal pace will come pack eventually (hopefully!!).
As far as swimming, apparently 64 laps is a mile so I definitely did this! The first day I swam, I swam 50 laps and then I have been swimming for 20-30 minutes 4 days a week. Swimming is TOUGH-my form is a bit rough and I’m pretty slow, but I’ll keep at it. Major props to people who swim for a team or for their primary source of exercise. It’s tough!

2. Read at least two books. Check! I read The Happiness Project and Into Thin Air. If you’re looking for a book that you don’t want to put down, read Into Thin Air! It’s about the 1996 Everest climb that caused the deaths of at least 12 people (I can’t remember the exact number). I finished the book in less than four days– I just couldn’t put it down. I need a new book, recommendations welcome!

3. Go to an amusement park or water park. Nope :(. I am hoping to go on the next nice day!

4. Volunteer at least one time. Okay, so I’m really bad with this, unless you count doing the ride-alongs with EMS. I have done a few of them, but I’m not technically a volunteer yet.

5. Get out and do more with Russy. We have been spending more time together during the week, which is a special treat since we can’t do that during the year. I’m excited for Independence Day celebrations today and the Taste of Philadelphia Food Festival this weekend! We will also be going to the beach in a couple of weeks. Lots of fun things coming up!20130703-080058.jpgThat’s it! Keep on truckin’ with your own goals 🙂20130703-075507.jpg

Have a HAPPY AND SAFE 4th of July today and a big thank you to those that have fought for this freedom that we are celebrating 🙂

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