Hello and Happy Tuesday!
Things have been insane around here and likely the people reading this blog already know (hey Mom and Dad), BUTTTT for the sake of (again) having something to refer to for my future intereview for the Forbes Magazine Billionaire Edition, I am here to tell you the big news!
I signed a lease for my very own BAGEL SHOP!!!!
That is all I have time for today, but here are some tidbits of info:
- I signed the contract and everyone was laughing at how strange my signature was, but it’s because my hands were shaking!!
- We have 4-6 weeks to get the place in tip-top shape and ready to open!
- They handed me all of the keys and I stood there like a fool looking at my hands, thinking “what now???”
- Every single waking moment (almost) has been dedicated to working on things for the shop.
- I announced it on Instagram yesterday and the post got almost 400 likes and almost 200 comments.
- I will share everything as I go through everything!
- We will be changing the name! Stay tuned!
Pressing to-do items (plus about 100 other things)
- Order all of the machinery
- Design and build the display case
- Finish the new website
- Design logo and order business cards and a stamp
- Increase energy potential in the shop
- and more
Thank you to:
- my parents, for supporting my crazy idea to open a bagel shop without knowing how to make bagels
- my parents, for supporting me unconditionally
- my parents, for coming to live in Spain (wishful thinking!)
- Luis, for making tons of phonecalls, spending hours researching machinery, designing the kitchen (to scale!), going to meetings with me, getting up early to go buy me flour BEFORE work, for being my advocate and right-hand man.
Look at me, I’m the boss