Hi! Welcome to A Spoonful of TLC
I’m Tamara.
I’m a post-graduate trying to figure out a path, but for now….I am an expat, a traveler, a wanderer, and most certainly, I am a little bit lost. If you’re here, reading this, it’s because you want to learn more about me. Well, what can I say?
Can I still call myself a “post-grad” if I graduated in 2014 and it’s 2018? Probably not. So what does that make me? I guess it makes me someone that moved to Spain after graduating college, not really sure where the experience of being an Auxiliar de Conversaciòn would take her, and also not sure where it will lead her from here. The only thing she is sure of is that she had no idea that she would still be in Spain this long, but alas…here we are.
I moved to Madrid, Spain for a year-long adventure in teaching English (Auxiliar de Conversaciòn) when I was 24. I had no idea that I would fall in love with the country and the culture, get bitten by the travel bug, and still be here in Spain more than three years later (now 27 years old). I have spent these years traveling (see my travel page), working a few different jobs, making friends, and trying to figure out what to do and where to go next.
I live in the center of Madrid, so I spend a lot of time trying new places, going for walks, meeting friends for tapas (obviously), spending time with my boyfriend- Luis, and living a good life. I also like to run, do Body Combat, cook, bake, read, and work on my little side hustle- an online bakery called Bruja’s Bakery. Check it out
This blog has been many things during the time that I have had it, but at this moment, it is a place to record my journey- how I am figuring out life abroad, what my day-to-day is like, a place to record my travels around Europe, my food, my workouts (sometimes), and my life in general.
Thanks for following my journey!
If you have any questions, contact me!
@tamaralcohen (INSTAGRAM)
LOVE your blog name!! this is so cute!!! welcome to blogworld!!
I have never put peaches with peanut butter. I must try this!!!
And I’m currently vegan but I am really struggling right now with feeling satisfied and full so I’m considering being “mostly vegan but always vegetarian” like you.
I’m looking forward to blog stalking you
It is soooo good! Peanut butter, peaches and strawberries is even better, but I thought that would be a really long name…haha
When I eat a vegan diet all day, I find myself snacking a lotttt more (which isn’t bad), but some days it just isn’t convenient, ya know?
and i will definitely be blog stalking you as well
Welcome to blogging!! That grilled pb and banana sandwich looks HEAVENLY. And now I’m totally going to try pb on peaches! I love pb, I love peaches…it can only mean good things.
you will love it! (hopefully)
You pretty much sound just like me.. “def. vegetarian, mostly vegan, but I don’t label my diet.”
Look forward to reading more! Congrats on finishing your first year of college.
thank you! It’s exciting and a little bit scary that it went that quickly
Love your blog! So excited to read more:) Your blog name is so cute, too!
Thanks for stopping by
Thanks for checking out and following my blog! I hope you get a chance to check out a few of my recipes for yourself as well. I look forward to following your posts in the future!