I disappear for months at a time and then catch you off guard and come back to say hello. I guess you could call that my MO? I got an email that my domain would be auto renewed in about 50 days and I am tempted to just let it go. Actually, that’s a lie..I don’t plan to let my domain go, but I might get rid of the hosting and just go back to WordPress. For someone who never writes on here, it doesn’t make much sense to spend all the money to keep this hosted when I could just have the same site but with “wordpress” in the title. Anyway, things to think about.
Since it’s been so long, I thought I would pop in with a Checking In post. I used to do them every 3 months or so, but it looks like I haven’t done one since April 2020! That day, I made Dalgona coffee…remember when everyone was trying that during the pandemic? Crazy times.
Making: peanut butter toast with sliced peaches for breakfast has been my go-to recently. For a long time I wasn’t eating anything for breakfast,– just rolling out the door and going straight to work, but since we don’t eat lunch until close to 3 pm, it wasn’t working for me.
Cooking: the last time I did a checking in post, I said that I wasn’t cooking much and that has remained true. I just don’t have any real “ganas” or desire to cook after being at work all day. We eat a lot of salads, rice, pasta, eggs, etc. and that’s about it. The most “cooking” I do is a bit more of an inspired salad like one I made recently with cherry tomatoes, corn, lots of herbs, avocado, peaches and strawberries.
Drinking: iced coffee. The first thing I do every day when I get to work is drop my bag, say hi to everyone, make myself a double shot of espresso over ice and then drink it very slowly.
Reading: Sometimes I read the NY Times Magazine, but that is about it. This is my cue to start using my Kindle again, even if that means paying for books (which pains me because I prefer the library!)
Looking: forward to going to the pool and a birthday party for a friend this Saturday!! After being open for two and a half years, I finally feel that Luis and I have our weekends back (for the most part) and I enjoy them 1000000% more when we have actual concrete plans. For so long, any empty weekend was spent sleeping or resting in front of the TV, but now that we are out of the tunnel, I am ready for some fun plans.
Eating: Just had lunch: pasta with tomato sauce and melted cheese and a slice of vanilla pound cake.
Enjoying: going to Orange Theory! After a two year hiatus, I have joined a gym! We joined Orange Theory which offers high intensity workouts. Normally we go twice a week, but I have a whole bunch of classes that are going to expire if I don’t use them by Thursday so depsite being incredibly sore, I am going 3 times in one week It’s been nice to have a workout routine again!
Loving: Working most days 9-5 like a normal human being. Opening at the Embassy, despite it being an amazing opportunity, has also been incredible for me personally in terms of getting me out of Mazal and back to have somewhat of a normal life. I have been able to take vacations without thinkng much about work and has taught me to trust my team.
Listening: I have been listening to this song on repeat….
Feeling: sore from these workouts, happy with how everything is going!
Wearing: a blue midi dress and snake-print sandals. For two years, I didn’t wear any “real clothes” so when we opened here, I had to go shopping and get actual clothes that aren’t jeans, shorts, and tshirts.
Watching: Just finished the docuseries “Web of Make Believe” and it was real interesting – highly recommend, especially for you, Dad.