5 Weeks of Jolly Freedom

I am officially FREE. Talk about paper waste! No homework, no studying, no papers, no to-do lists.  Okay, I’ll probably still make to-do lists because I love them 😉 But I’m pretty much free to do what I please until late January.  During these next few weeks, I have a few things I would love […]

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Cuba Libre & Other Weekend Things

Hey there! How was your weekend?  Did it snow where you are?  It sure did here! I have two finals and three final projects, so why not write a blog post to put that off for as long as possible…?  Yep, that’s exactly what I’m doing 🙂 This weekend was a lot of fun because […]

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Thanksgiving 2013

Good morning! Happy Post-Thanksgiving Day/ Post Brown Thursday/ Black Friday!Yesterday was so, so tasty and so much fun.  We didn’t do any shopping and I won’t be doing any shopping today.  Instead, I’m sitting here in my pajamas, sipping tea, while my dad makes pancakes.  This beats malls, crowds, stress, pushing, and fighting any day. […]

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Friendsgiving 1.0 and 2.0 2013

Hi, friends! Guess what?  In less than 72 hours you will be in a food coma!  Over this past weekend, I was lucky enough to enjoy not one, but TWO food comas with new and old friends at two different Friendsgivings!  This was my first year having Friendsgiving, and I had so much fun at […]

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R & R

Yoga pants and fuzzy socks. That’s it.  That’s this weekend bottled up in a photo. There is really no other way to describe this weekend.  I didn’t do anything crazy, I didn’t really do anything exciting, but I got to do everything that I wanted to do this weekend (and more!) Friday Food Movie Saturday […]

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Conga Line! Po! Planting a Tree! What?

That is the most random title, ever, but it makes sense I promise.  Keep reading 🙂 This weekend was a lot of fun, so naturally, it flew by and once again, today is Monday and I am taking a small mental break from learning about lipids.  Chylomicrons, triacylglycerol, apolipoporteins…Yeah, my head is spinning too. As […]

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This weekend was so. much. fun.  because it was (as the title states) HOMECOMING.  To be honest, I’m not quite sure what the point of homecoming is besides to see a parade, go to a football game and binge drink starting at 9 am on a Saturday, but hey, when in Rome, do as the […]

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Work Hard, Play Hard

Hello and Happy Monday!  Usually Mondays are an epic struggle to stay awake, stay focused and try not to think about how many hours I need to get through until the next weekend comes up.  But today is different because it’s fall break!  I have today and Tuesday off, so I slept in late, went […]

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