Hi! And happy 25th birthday to ME! ^^This is 25 🙂 This is the year of my quarter-life crisis, but maybe I’ve already had my quarter-life crisis and it won’t happen. Orrr maybe I’ll dye my hair or get a big tattoo on my neck (quarter life crisis things) Here’s to hoping! Here are 25 […]
Lake Wallenpaupak Pocono Vacation 2016
Hi! And Happy Wednesday! How are things in your parts? (When I re-read this, I thought it said “how are things in your pants?” Ha!) Things here are great- spent the day with my parents on a tour of the new Mormon Temple downtown and then we had brunch at Green Eggs Cafe. I had […]
The Best of the Beach.
Happy Monday, dear readers! This weekend was a good one for me- spent some time at the pool… Visiting my Tia Malca (aunt Malca) with my brother, mom, and cousin. After our visit, we stopped for some ice cream that was amazing Toasted coconut ice cream…I died. And then we headed home. I also saw […]
Around Town.
Happy Friday! Time is just flyin’ on by here! I am really trying to soak up my time in the U.S., with my family and everything. It’s easy to keep thinking about “when I go back to Spain….”, etc., but I keep reminding myself to just be. here. now. (Happy, Dad???) Present or not, the […]
Malaga Viaje Largo 2016
HI! Wow, it has been entirely too long since I have been on here! I’m actually typing this up from the back deck of my parent’s beach-share house in Ventnor! But today I’m not going to share anything about being home or at the beach (yet…coming soon!), but I’m going to share pictures from my […]
Traveling Through Europe: Budapest II
Hello again! If you missed it, here is Budapest Post I for you. As well as Prague I, Pague II, Prague III, and Vienna. Day two: My number 1 goal in Budapest was to make sure we had a chance to go to the famous Budapest Thermal Baths. According to Wikipedia, the baths were constructed […]
Traveling Through Europe: Budapest I
We have arrived at the best part of the trip! They always say, “save the best for last”, which is exactly what we did on this trip! it was actually an accident, and only ended up in Budapest as our final city because the flights were cheaper that way, but I am so happy it […]
Traveling Through Europe: Prague III
Finally- almost a week later, I am writing the final Prague post. I am also planning to knock out Vienna and Budapest, so you may or may not see 5 new posts in one day. You have been warned. Here we go…and for good measure, here is Prague I and Prague II. Day three: The […]
Traveling Through Europe: Prague I
10 days. 3 countries. 2 flights. 2 trains. A lot of meat and potatoes. From Madrid –> Prague –> Vienna –> Budapest –> Madrid, this was one of my favorite trips in my lifetime. The ten days flew by so quickly, but it also felt like I was away for much […]
June Weekend.
**I wrote this post a couple weeks ago and never posted it. Since no breakfast can go un-publicized, I am posting it now. ENJOY!** Buenos días! How was your weekend? I hope it was as fun and sunny as mine was- with a good mix of sunshine, good people, pool, food, and happiness….and alcohol- maybe. […]