Carnaval in Cadiz, Take Two

More appropriately titled:  Carnaval in Cadiz, Take Two, because you accidentally deleted your entire blog and take one went down the drain.  BUT, for SEO purposes…let’s leave what you see up there! CARNAVAL Carnaval is basically a HUGE party, with thousands of people filling the streets in crazy costumes while they drink the day and […]

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El Escorial & Catching Up.

Good morning! I am typing up this blog post at 11 am, Sunday morning, drinking coffee and eating a big bowl of peanut butter oatmeal.  I’m feeling quite perky since I slept 13 HOURS last night!  After getting hardly any sleep on Friday night, my roommates and I were up early Saturday morning for a […]

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The Best Weekend Yet.

Hi!  How was your halloweekend?!  Did you get drunk and laugh at people in their costumes? I have this sharp memory of a halloween party my freshman year of college.  Everyone was a little bit toasty and I looked up, and there was this HUGE guy in a teletubbie costume and it was the best […]

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San Sebastian Weekend.

I went on my first vacation from the vacation this weekend! Annie and I headed to San Sebastián, which is in the north of Spain (Basque Country), borders Portugal and is on the Atlantic Ocean….except it does NOT look like Atlantic City.  The water is…not brown. I am actually typing the skeleton of this post […]

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