Checking In: XIII

A Spoonful of TLC
Hi friends!  Happy Thursday!  It’s been quite some time since I’ve done a checking in post, so here we are with the 13th edition!  It’s fun for me to look back and see what’s changed, and I hope you enjoy them too!
Making: Challah french toast!!!  We have been doing some tests for a future Bruja’s Bakery and one of them is this yummy challah french toast that’s made in the oven.  We bought this little cast-iron skillet just to be as hipster as possible.
Cooking:  I always wish I had more to say here, but I feel like I spend so much time in the kitchen that I don’t feel like cooking is exciting for me, but I did make these Thai Meatballs earlier this week and we have been eating them with rice and quinoa all week.  I loved all of the fresh herbs that went in!
Drinking: water with mint and cucumber slices in it because I’m boojey (lol how do you spell that?!).  It’s that time of year where nice, light drinks sound amazing and I am HERE FOR IT!
Reading:  I just downloaded a couple new books and finished Last December, a book I put on hold over 6 months ago!  It was an easy beach read type book, so I flew through it.  I have a bunch of other books on my hold list, but until then, reading some of the other books my library offers.  Oh, and lots of NY Times- thanks Mom!
Wanting: all the new summer clothes but I am trying to refrain!  I just bought a new pair of pants, 2 new shirts, and a new pair of sandals.  Oh and a new sun hat, but I call that an “investment” into my youthful skin so…worth it.
Looking: forward to the weekend!  We are heading to MALAGA tonight!  Luis’ family has a place on the beach in Malaga and we used to go a couple times each summer, but last year we didn’t go at all which is just crazy.  We are heading down tonight until Sunday evening and I am ready for some sun and surf.
Eating: at the moment, nothing, but I did have some pumpkin oatmeal with coconut yogurt for breakfast.  Luis bought this coconut yogurt and I thought I would hate it, but I actually love it- smooth, creamy, and not sweet!  It’s really good.
Wishing: that I could see into the future, but that would be no fun, would it?
Enjoying: this warm summer weather!  And the feeling that summer is coming and everyone just has more of a pep in their step.  
Loving: the Crime Junkie podcast!!!  I discovered it last week and it’s my new favorite podcast to listen to.  I have been going for long walks JUST to listen to it and it’s addicting.  If you listen to any of them, listen to the episode about Israel Keyes- absolutely insane and bone chilling!
Hoping: that everything works out!  That I don’t make any soul crushing mistakes with Bruja’s Bakery- business is scary stuff!!
Listening: Fly Away With Me by Tom Walker- so good!  It’s a very summer song.

Feeling: excited to go to Malaga, and nervous about my class tonight because I have to get up and speak in Spanish in front of everyone.  Ahhhhh
Wearing: my pajamas still, but I am about to put on workout gear and go for a walk (and listen to a podcast hehe)
Watching: nothing!!  I have been so NOT into TV lately.  It just doesn’t hold my attention at all.
Bookmarking:  this recipe for a quinoa, feta, and roasted summer vegetable salad.  Looks delicious.

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  1. Glad you’ve been enjoying the meatballs! I’m totally going to check out that podcast. I’m obsessed w similar ones, so I have a feeling it’ll be right up my alley.