Maybe somewhere out in the ether checked this blog in the last week or so and found that it (almost) no longer existed. I got an email about 2 months ago that it would be renewing soon, but have recently thought about just letting it go. Maybe not letting it go 100%, but letting go of my self-hosted website and getting myself onto a free platform. Then I got an email a few days ago that the update failed (due to an expired credit card) and I had six days to renew it with new credit card info or this blog would be gone into the ether forever. I strongly considered letting it go, but decided to at least pay for the domain name ( so that no one else can get their grubby hands on it. The kind lady somewhere in India (most likely) told me that I would also need to pay for the hosting plan if I ever wanted to get back the old posts so.. almost 200dollars later and here we are. A close call with the end of blogdom, but back for now. At the rate I post, this blog costs about 50 dollars per post.
Anywho, all is good over here. Work is a little boring right now due to the insane slowdown that happens every year at this time. Next week we will go to the beach for some R&R in the sun and I am looking forward to that.
Updates on the new place’s kitchen….two steps back…one baby step forward.