Let’s squeeze one last post into 2024, shall we?
December is usually a quieter month for us, after the rush of November and the intensity that comes with Thanksgiving and Pie Week (the week of Thanksgiving when we make and sell a billion pies), December is usually quite a bit slower. I usually feel a little….bored….in December. Less events, everyone is traveling, less reservations in general, less going on. I am trying to soak it up and do things I don’t normally get to do. I bought watercolor paints and have been painting! Last night I even conned Luis into painting with me and he was actually quite good!
Anyway, let’s take a look back on December before I hop in the shower (I went to the gym this morning!) and head to the embassy to check in over there before calling it a day early (5ish) to grab coffee with my friend, Jess.
Looking back on December…

Dec 1st: December staring on the right foot (literally!) with a workout at our favorite class – Grit.

Dec 1st: It’s all about balance, we had these french pastries afterwards. The round chocolate chip bread thing tasted like warm chocolate chip challah.

Dec 2nd: We collected these “I Am Thankful For” cards from Mazál Thanksgiving and loved reading the replies. This was my Dad’s idea – great idea Dad! I loved adding a bit of meaning to our Mazál Thanksgiving dinners and the customers really appreciated this touch.

Dec 4th: I hosted a girl’s night at home and all 9 of our group came! It may have been the first time in history that all 9 were together. I made this baked brie with leftover ingredients from Thanksgiving. Already sliced brie, honey, apricots, nuts, rosemary and sage. It was very tasty.

Dec 6th: December 6th is a holiday so Luis had the day off. We want to this new cafe/ bar and had really delicious ensaladilla rusa and maybe the best tortilla de patatas that I have ever had.

Dec 9th: I saw many sunrises this month. Winter sunrises are the best of the whole year.

Dec 10: My kind of work day – other people working while I drink coffee and distract them.

Dec 10th: The downstairs contruction project is almost finished!! We still need to add a few lamps to the walls, change some of the art, and a new neon is being made. I will share the final project (or maybe I won’t)

Dec 11: Went with my friend Emma to see Wicked (didn’t like it). I am apparently not a musical person! I am glad I didn’t watch the trailer before going – would have probably dreaded the actual movie. Not seeing the trailer beforehand meant I could be unpleasantly surprised. Luckily this deliiiicious dinner from Honest Greens made up for that.

Also Dec 11: We catered Christmas cookies and warm drinks at the annual Tree Lighting ceremony at the Embassy. It was absolutely freezing and everything got devoured in just a few minutes!

Dec 12: We made the most epic Vanilla Cold Foam in the history of vanilla cold foam at Mazál.

Dec 17: I went to an End of Year dinner with my closest friends. We made 2025 vision boards (mine included things like “more party”, “sleep”, “sugar and butter”, and dogs. Everyone else made more introspective boards. We had a delicious dinner and also did a secret santa. I was gifted this bright orange scarf. The orange bag was part of a joke!
Besides that, December has brought: A BBQ with friends on a sunny Saturday, a few days working at Mazál, our Annual Mazál Holiday party (don’t want to share pictures, but it was great!!!), a photo shoot at Mazál, a broken oven and the headache that comes with that, and lots of project-doing.
It’s been a great month. If I can get my act together, i would really like to write a 2024 recap post.
Either way, Happy New Year fam.