Friday Morning House Tour.

Good morning and Happy Friday to ya!IMG_0890

For me, Friday is not only, well, FRIDAY, but it’s my day off during the week (plus Saturday and Sunday…) so this morning, I woke up (almost on my own…I was semi-awake when the alarm went off) after sleeping like a newborn last night.  I honestly have no idea what it is, but teaching makes me inexplicably exhausted.  Hats off to all you real teachers out there, who go home after a long day and make lesson plans, grade papers, etc.  I just like to complain. I really wanted to go out last night, but my more responsible friends (a.k.a everyone else) wouldn’t accompany me.  So I was forced to stay in, make a to-do list for today, and watch Scrubs in bed.  Wah.


I don’t think I made it through 10 minutes of the episode and I don’t remember falling asleep.  It may have been due to the fact that I was at school yesterday from 9:20-1:20, then at my teacher’s house getting some things done until 4 and then I taught three private lessons from 4-7, took the train home until 8:30, and immediately went to the cellphone store to put data on my phone because I’m obsessed.  I was finally sitting down to dinner at 10:00 pm.  TELL ME, is this adult life?  Because something tells me real adult life only gets harder.  In all seriousness…I am having an amazing time and do not think my life is hard…in the least.  I feel very, very lucky.

But now, here I am, typing away at my desk, while listening to the talking, laughing…yelling, cooking, cleaning, and general life inside of the apartment courtyard.  My apartment itself is empty and quiet.  I got myself out of bed and mosied (how do you spell that?) into the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee and a steamy bowl of banana oatmeal.IMG_0902

I apologize for the edge of my window frame rudely taking over much of the real estate of that photo.  I didn’t realize it was in the shot when I took it…this was pre-caffeine.

Every weekday, I make eggs and toast, but somehow…oatmeal seemed more luxurious and time-consuming.  What?

OK…so who wants to go on a house tour?!  **Crickets**  Ok. fine.  I’ll go myself…and Christine, you can come too.



I did it! I officially have a place to call HOME. A place to organize my things, cook my food, invite my friends, do my work, enjoy a cup of coffee, and so much more. I never thought I would get to this point, seeing as how I have spent the last 4 weeks living in a hotel and then a home-stay. Don’t get me wrong, the home-stay was fine and the woman who’s house I stayed in was very sweet, but it’s not the same as having your OWN place to stretch out. And of course it’s nice to not constantly feel like I am tiptoeing around someone’s things and imposing on their life.

So now…for the good stuff…

  • I am living in Lavapies in a newly renovated 5 bedroom apartment, 1.5 baths, a kitchen, and living/dining room.
  • I live with 2 girls from Philadelphia and one girl from the U.K.  We are currently looking for a 5th Spanish roommate.  Dear Spanish girl, get ready for me to talk to you allllll the time 😉
  • The apartment is on the second floor of a building and has an elevator.
  • It is a 3 minute walk from the metro I take in the morning, a 1 minute walk from the supermarket, and a 10 minute walk from Sol (the center of town).
  • The apartment has a washer, stove, and microwave. It does not have a toaster (yet!) or a dryer.
  • My room has a single bed, a window, a closet, shelving, a desk, a nightstand and a mirror.


House Tour:

My room:IMG_0832 IMG_0835

The hallway:IMG_0836

Living room/ dining room:IMG_0840

Bathroom:IMG_0837 IMG_0838

The Kitchen: 

My favorite room, and where my roommates and I spend most of our time… #girls…IMG_0897 IMG_0898 IMG_0900

My shelf is the second one down.

½ Bathroom:IMG_0843

It obviously needs a lot of work and our landlord comes everyday to keep fixing things, finish things, etc.  The photos you see above show my room without a desk, but I am typing this sitting at my desk.  I have a mirror resting on my desk that will eventually be hung, and some shelves on the floor that will eventually…hopefully…go up.  Also, the glass in my window will be changed to clear glass so that I can spend my days staring at my neighbors wall…or stalking my roommates in the kitchen across the courtyard <3IMG_0845

This clothesline makes me Spanish, right?

OK…I’m out of here!  The rest of the day includes….

  • Shower, dress
  • Go to the bank and deposit money before 12:30
  • Come home and eat lunch, get ready for a private lesson
  • 2:10-3:10- private lesson in Ruben Dario
  • 4:30-5:30- private lesson near Retiro
  • 6-6:30- meeting with a woman about private lessons in Lavapies

I also want to clean the bathroom a little bit. And then….well, you know.  Party time 😉


Side note:  If there are certain posts or topics that you would like me to do or write, PLEASE let me know.  I know people actually read this blog…sometimes…so please tell me what interests you, or I’m going to keep telling you what interests me! (me, my food, and my own life).  Self-centered?  Maybe….



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