My New Foster Home and Some Life Lessons.

Like I said a couple of days ago, since we were evicted from the hotel (really our stay just ended), I am staying with a host family for the next week while I continue to sniff out an apartment.IMG_0327Eviction via Instagram.


The outside of my foster home.

It was only 95Euro for the week (to share a tiny room), but I get a kitchen!  With a microwave! And a stove! And a toaster!!!!

Hellloooooo breakfast that’s not cold.IMG_0348

It’s off on a side street in Lavapies, which is where I really want to live!  Don’t laugh, haters.  I’m going to find a room here….IMG_0346 IMG_0336 IMG_0335

So last night, Monica and I went out to an “Intercambio” which is basically a language exchange held at a bar.  But we got there and found out that it will begin in two weeks…so….we were already at the bar, so why not get a drink?  So we did.IMG_0310  Which turned into many more drinks (one club told us that if we pay 10E, we get entry into 5 clubs and a shot at each one).  The lie detector determined…that THAT was a lie!  Per Maury.

Lesson of the night:

A free shot does NOT mean a free shot of whatever you want, like vodka, tequila, rum.  It’s a shot of “the house mix” aka a ton of sugar juice and a little bit of alcohol and a recipe for barfing the next day.

So long story short, I didn’t get home until almost 4 am, less sober than I would have liked to have been and this morning I woke up with a drill gun in my head, or at least it felt that way.  Soooo, I also learned some lessons about what I need in a room.

House Hunting Lessons:

1. The room MUST have a window that can be opened.  It was hot hot hot this morning while I sweated out the alcohol so I stumbled over to the window and cranked that baby open for a nice breeze.  It’s also the only room in this apartment that gets any light.  I need light.

2. The room must be located on a back street.  I think someone knew I was hungover and dying this morning and wanted to be cruel because why else would they do construction outside my window at 7:00 am?!  It’s LOUD back here and we are on a side street so I can’t imagine a main street.IMG_0306

View from the window.

3.  It must have a working stove and microwave and toaster, but the oven is not necessary.  I really never use the oven at home, so I doubt I will use it much here, either.

That is all.  I am off to meet up with Monica to eat at 100 Mortaditos, this restaurant that has 100 sandwiches on their menu and each costs 1E on Sunday/ Wednesday or between 1 and 3 E any other day of the week!IMG_0302  My kind of place 😉

We may or may not have gone twice yesterday…IMG_0299 IMG_0300

How about some radioactive cheese?

And an update on the housing hunt…went to go see a place today and the owner wouldn’t answer their phone when I got there.  Rude.  ESPECIALLY because I stumbled out of bed with aforementioned drill gun in my head to get to the appointment.  So I just slowly dragged by feet to the closest farmacia for some Ibuprofen (only 1.90E for a huge pack!) and my heart skipped a beat when I saw this:IMG_0337

Only to find out they are renting…GARAGES.  Maybe I could live in one?

I was supposed to see another tonight at 7:30 and right when I was about to leave (with 500E cash to put down a deposit), the landlord texted me that the only rooms left were over 500E.  Um, no.

Like always, WOOF.


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