I wrote one post and now I feel the “writer’s high”. Oh wait, that’s not a thing, it’s runner’s high. As soon as I get this posted I will go out to get high that way. I feel like so much of my life is consumed by Mazál, but not just consumed by Mazál but that it is difficult for me to separate who I am from Mazál. In many ways, I am Mazál (and sometimes people think it’s my name) and I don’t mind it, but it also puts me on a big emotional rollercoaster. It’s like being emotionally co-dependent on a living, breathing monster. Haha.
Anyway, here is a bit from the last few weeks…I really had to dig deep to find pictures of things that are not a) invoices b) bagels c) Mazál or d) anything related to Mazál. Here is what I found:
Luis and I spent a night in near Valencia about a month ago. Work-related? Yes. Also fun and we ate and drank a lot? Yes. Before driving back to Madrid, we searched Google for a restaurant that serves fresh paella early-ish in the day (like…12 or 1pm instead of 2pm!) and found this place. We were the only ones there when we arrived and then the waiter told me that we would have had to pre-order the paella (whaaatttt?) but he saw my deep disappointment and said we could order it since we were early. Then I saw that all of the paellas had sea bugs or piggy products or both and he saw my deep disappointment x2 and offered one with chicken and veggies and it was deelishshus. (I know how to spell delicious, Dad ).

I went shopping with a friend last week to help her shop and ended up being the only one that bought clothes….oops. I got this dress. Haven’t worn it yet, but I like it!

Met new and old friends for a picnic in the park on a Saturday afternoon. We waited in a crazy line for acai bowls (which were really tasty, NGL (not gonna lie)).

Last, but not least and yes, Mazál related- we spent Wednesday night until about 11pm finally hanging our bagel gallery wall. We’ve been putting it off for months and my friend Jess coerced us into doing it and I’m glad we did!

The end.