Healthy & Wealthy

Healthy and Wealthy

It’s no secret that around this time, you know- Christmas, New Year’s, time off from work and school, there is a lot of good and fun things- parties! dinners! friends! shopping! but so much of it can also leave me feeling sort of blah.  Between all of the sweet treats, the endless cheese plates, large dinners, […]

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Easy and Healthy Greek Yogurt Bread

greek yogurt bread

Luis has this affinity for buying way more yogurt than one should ever eat, which means he buys it, leaves it in my fridge, and then buys more…usually before I’ve even opened the last container.  I do appreciate having a never ending supply of yogurt, but I can´t keep up.  With an abundance of Greek […]

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I Made Strawberry Jam.

And you can, too!  Because it´s easy! I have made strawberry jam before (a long time ago), but that time I didn´t can it and I used pectin.  This time I didn´t use pectin and I canned it.       Step one:  Find a recipe.  I followed this recipe and this recipe, and kind of did a […]

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Ah Sunday.  It was just Friday, wasn’t it?  This weekend went way too quickly, but that means it was a good one. 🙂 Last time we chatted, it was Friday and I was off to run a bunch of errands.  I did all of that, taught a private lesson, stopped at Cien Montaditos (I do […]

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