Hello from across the ocean, or from your side of the ocean… depending where you read from!! I have been MIA because I’ve been in Philadelphia and New York and everywhere in between… trains planes buses taxis Ubers and more. I’m actually typing this on my phone on the way home from New York, […]
New York on a Rainy Day
Hello, hello! Sorry for disappearing on you like that for the last couple of days. My weekend was very low key (literally VipKid, the gym, long walks, and my bed, so yes, I am retired), so I felt that there was nothing to write about. On Tuesday, I was actually in New York, working on […]
Luis in the USA, Part VI (New York City II)
Our first day in NYC was wet and rainy, but good nonetheless. Our second day, however, was sunny, warm, and perfect. We had breakfast in a super fancy place. And then headed straight for Time’s Square, which is awesome at night, but I think it’s possibly even better during the day…or maybe the rain is clouding […]
Luis in the USA, Part V (New York City)
Ah, New York- the part we had all been waiting for! Ask any Spaniard where they want to go in the US, and they will undoubtabely say “New York”…and then you will roll your eyes because there are so many great places in the US, but I guess NYC is cool too This was […]
New York City 2014
Another year is almost over and it wouldn’t be complete with our annual trip to New York City! (2012, 2013,) My parents had trouble organizing their schedules, so Russ and I went ourselves and navigated the whole thing our own! If you know us, you know this is quite the accomplishment… We took Megabus to […]