One Day in Galway, Ireland

What a whirlwind the last few days have been!  Last we left off, Shannon and Teresa were here for about a day and a half before we picked up and headed into greener pastures- Ireland!  We had a late afternoon flight, which had us touching down in Dublin at 7 pm before quickly getting on […]

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Shannon and Teresa

You have no idea how happy the last 24 hours have made me!  Two of my very best friends flew across the ocean to come see ME (and ok, maybe to see Europe, too).  Either way, I am so, so, so happy to have Shannon and Teresa here!  They arrived early yesterday morning and we […]

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Is Yogurt Dessert?

There are a lot of questions and debate as to why Europeans (or Spaniards?) have a trimmer waist-line than us Americanos.  I have a lot of opinions about this- our portion sizes, what exactly we are eating, when we eat, our attitudes toward eating, etc.  That’s all for another day and another post, but this […]

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Food Lately

I have so many back-logged photos of various meals, and while they are almost all exactly the same, I’m still going to share 🙂 Breakfasts: Lunch and Dinner: Snacks and Merienda:

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Cafes in Madrid: Magasand (9/5/10)

Last Saturday, I was sitting at home, wasting time on my computer while the day was passing me by.  I wasn’t busy and thought “let me text Meghan and see what she’s doing” with a tentative plan to take a nap if she was busy.  As a matter of fact, she had just sat down […]

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Restaurants in Madrid: Dionisos (6/10)

My friend, Annie, and I wanted to try something different for dinner last week.  We had Dionisos on our radar since Greek food always looks good (um, hellllooo feta cheese!), and we were in the market for some lighter fare.  I had high hopes for Dionisos, since the menu was full of a variety of […]

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Bars in Madrid: Los Chuchis (9/10)

Los Chuchis is a bar that has been on my radar for some time since it’s right in my hood!  I walk past there on my way home from school and it’s always packed with eager customers and the food looks awesome.  I have always loved their bright colors and clean appearance compared to the other […]

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