To Connecticut and Back We Go!

Happy Monday, people!

I hope you had a great weekend and you’re feeling ready to tackle this next week…I know I sure am!  My week of classes actually ends Wednesday because of cancelled classes Thursday and Friday!  Woohoo!

Anyway, Friday feels like f.o.r.e.v.e.r ago.  I guess time flies when you’re having fun?!

Friday was fairly low-key.  After an awesome BodyPUMP class, I headed home.  I hung out with Misu, while trying to get some work done.  He was beyond needy!photo(210) I didn’t do too much until late Friday night after I picked up Russ at the train station.  My parent’s fridge was like a ghost town, so I used odds and ends to put together a half decent dinner for us.  I made tomato sauce, whole wheat pasta, and a cheese “cream” sauce, then mixed it all together and baked it.  I guess I was going for baked ziti/mac and cheese type dish.  I put “cream” in quotes because we didn’t actually have any milk or cream, but we did have Greek yogurt so after making a roux, I added the yogurt and some sharp cheddar cheese.  It was interesting!  And Russ like it, but anything with the words cheese or pasta is a win in his book.  We ate the entire pan (it wasn’t that big), while watching Garden State.  I don’t think I have ever seen any movie as many times as I have seen that movie.  Makes me cry every time 🙂

Saturday we were up bright and early to drive to Connecticut with Russ’ mom for a 60th birthday party.DSC_0008

If that doesn’t sound fun, let me re-assure you that there was more food and booze than any 20-something birthdays.  Oh, and there were like 40 people jammed into the house.  Russ and I spent the day talking to people, EATING, and drinking a liiiittttle bit. I probably overdid it on the chips, tomatoes, broccoli, baby quiche, crackers, and DESSERT.  Besides the desserts shown below, there was the most amazing red velvet cream cheese icing cake.  I ate my weight.

Food galore…DSC_0011I was in charge of the veggie platter design 😉 DSC_0017DSC_0018DSC_0025DSC_0027DSC_0056DSC_0142

Drinks galore….(plus wine and beer!)DSC_0022

Friends and Family…DSC_0036DSC_0140

We also went on a walk to get away from said people.  I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed myself and was completely in awe of Emily (shown with Russ, above) and how amazing this party was.  She even hired someone to come and play the guitar and sing.  It was like a personal concert!  Very fun.  We weren’t planning on it, but we drove home around 11…in the pouring rain.  I promised to help drive, but I was SO TIRED for no reason that had I drove, I probably wouldn’t be here to tell the tale so thank goodness Russ’ mom is wonder woman and drove the entire way.  (If you’re reading this, THANK YOU!)

Because of the rain and less than stellar driving conditions, and needing to fill my gas tank, we didn’t get home until after 3 am and we were pooped.  Pooped doesn’t even begin to cover it.  I didn’t wake up on Sunday until after 1 pm, but it was so necessary.  Once we were finally up, we ate some breakfast and headed to the gym to work off all the little goodies we indulged (binged) on on Saturday.  After the gym, we went to the Korean Market to pick up ingredients for Thai Tofu-Vegetable Curry.  I more or less followed this recipe and it was sooooo good and incredibly  IGE states that it’s a 20 minute recipe, and she’s not joking!  From fridge to table in just around 20 minutes.  I also served it with a side of baby bok choy sauteed in sesame oil and soy sauce.  That’s literally all we did on Sunday.  Not entirely sure where the entire day went, but after driving back to school, I was pooped and promptly fell asleep.  (Do I have a sleeping problem?!)

Monday began bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  Medical Nutrition Therapy was interesting with a guest speaker, and since one of my classes was cancelled, I hustled to the gym to squeeze in a quick workout.  I had just under an hour to do it before I needed to hustle to class, sit as far away from other people as possible, and hope that no one was noticing how red my face was and that I was still sweating.  I’m a classy lady, no?

Enjoy ya Monday, kids!

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