Obviously, it is literally impossible for me to get this post up, so here I am, almost a MONTH after our trip and I am finally going to finish writing about the last day!!!
On our final day in Vancouver, we did something that people repeatedly said was “so hard” and “don’t do it”. So we listened to their wise words.
Or not.
At least we started the day with a protein-packed breakfast.
Again. Or not.
We hiked Grouse Mountain, which requires climbing over 1,800 steps (with walking steps and hiking in between the actual steps) and the inability to breath abounds. Russ and I consider ourselves to be moderately more active than couch potatoes and this hike was HARD. Possibly one of the hardest hikes I have ever done. The people that work there said it takes 45 minutes- an hr and 15 minutes depending on fitness level.
Did they mean for Olympians? Because it took us almost two hours. I nearly croaked when I was dripping in sweat and praying for it to be over, only to look up and see… 1/4 of the way there. WHAT!
And my parents are rock stars! While we were hiking, we would periodically stop for me to gasp for air and I would text my parents that they should consider turning around, etc, etc. Almost 4 hours later, they made it to the top! And heart attack free
The views were worth it, but this was totally one of those knock-it-off-your-bucket-list-and-never-do-it-again things. Or do it again, once the PTSD subsides.
Ok that’s it! I don’t know why it took me so long to write this. Have a great week!!!