Happy, Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend! If you’re just catching up on the Vancouver vacation, check out day 1, days 2 and 3, and days 4 and 5.
Day 6
Day 6 was probably my favorite day of our entire trip. It was fun, adventurous, relaxing, yada yada. While we were on our West Trek tour, our new friends told us that we HAAAAD to go to Lynn Canyon, that there was tons of hiking and cliff jumping.
So when we got back, they invited us to go over there with them. In order to get to Lynn Canyon from downtown Vancouver, you have to take the Seabus (a ferry) and then 2 buses, but it’s all for the price of $4.00 If there is one thing that Vancouver does INCREDIBLY well, it’s there transportation system. Not only is it $2.75 or $4.00 for most trips, but the fare payment is basically done with the honor system, as they don’t have someone readily checking tickets.
Anywho, back to Lynn Canyon. We trekked over there, crossed this huge, scary, swinging foot bridge, and then hiked to the spot where we camped out for the afternoon. Before leaving Vancouver, we asked Winnie (one of our friends) if we should wear sneakers/ if we would be hiking and he said “ooohhh no, not at all!” and then we hiked. a lot. So I walked carefully and then slid down half the rocks while sitting so that I wouldn’t slip and fall to my death. No thanks.
Lynn Canyon is HUGE and there were hoards of people jumping, swimming and hiking. It was incredibly beautiful and a lot of fun, even though I didn’t do any jumping But Russ did! And he is afraid of heights. The place that we hung out had 4 waterfalls (seen in the above photo) and while there were tons of people making the jumps without abandon, if you’re afraid, you’re sh!t out of luck because once you make the first jump, the only way down…is to keep jumping. And they say the jumps only get scarier.One of the guys that we went with swore up and down that he WOULD NOT jump, but before we left, he found himself at the top of the falls, jumping from one base to the next. Except for that last jump, where you can’t see over the edge of the falls and only see the rock protruding. He spent a good 45 minutes pep-talking himself to jump while we all cheered (and took an abundance of videos…cracking up). He eventually jumped, but not after making multiple attempts to climb back up, like a bear on a mountain hahaha.
I was perfectly happy perched on a big rock, taking selfies and taking videos of everyone else jump. Maybe on a warmer day and a pep talk, I would have jumped. Maybe.
After Lynn Canyon and our adventure back to Vancouver, we went to…COSTCO! For hot dogs and ice cream. It sounds just about as delicious as it was and I’m not being sarcastic! That ice cream with fudge was incredible. I could have eater 3 more. I will..one day. After that little bit of nutrition, we headed back to the hostel to shower and sleep before getting up again to meet up with our friends. It was one girl’s birthday so they organized a big game of kickball and hanging out on blankets and cake. It was really, really fun and I even scored 2 points! (but made no other contributions to the team lol it was like being in gym class again. Just as horrific).
And we played in a pretty park while the sun set
Russ and I ended the night with our 3rd trip to Burger King in 12 hours for a 4th Crispy Chicken Sandwich. THEY’RE SO GOOD!!! Just saying.
Day Seven
And on the seventh day, we rested But really we had a relaxing day, meandering all over the place. But by relaxing, I mean we walked SO MUCH!! We walked for almost 8 hours, from downtown Vancouver to Granville Island, back to Vancouver, to English Bay and back to the hostel. I was totally wiped, but it was a fun day.
Granville Island is a peninsula and shopping district in Vancouver that has lots of craft and clothing shops and lots of FOOD. We walked around a bit and then bought a bunch of things to eat and share.
He might kill me for putting this on the internet.
There were quite a few sites to see…And beautiful views all along the way.
And colorful produce that I had to take pictures of, naturally.
After walking around mucho, mucho, we took the ferry back to Vancouver and walked all the way to English bay to watch the sunset and have dinner!
English Bay
And goof around with these guys!
We ended up having dinner at Robson Mongolian BBQ restaurant, which was absolutely INCREDIBLE. The restaurant had a unique set up in that the way it worked was that for a set price, you were given access to the salad bar, soup, a bowl of rice and a bowl to fill with all the meat, veggies, sauce and noodles that can fit and then they cook it for you.
It’s like build-your-own, but the only catch is that you have to take only what you can eat, because if you take too much, they charge you for the waste. I loved the concept and would recommend that place 1000x over. For Russ’ Yelp review, click here.
I was beyond pooped at the end of the day, but excited for our last day in Vancouver! One more post to go…