Day Five- Visiting the Cemetery and More
If you are just catching up, here are days three and four.
Ah, feeling much better after finally getting some SLEEP! We were up early to catch a couple long buses to the cemetery, but we were lucky enough to either get seats (Mom and Yolanda) or get a standing spot near the window (me). I was able to take a lot of pictures on the way, so I was happy
First we went to the Sephardic cemetery.
Seeing Pepe’s burial site certainly solidified his passing for me, but I also felt him there. We sat there for quite awhile and I just listened to mom and Yolanda tell stories and chat. We visited burial sites of various family members and my mom told me a short story about each of them and her memories of them.
We eventually made our way to the Ashkenazi cemetery where there are additional family members.
My mom was trying to locate a relative, so she had the man that works there consult their “record system”.
In the end, we couldn’t find who we were looking for, but we found others. This cemetery was in much worse shape- some grave sites had entire slabs of marble stolen.
After the cemetery, we walked up the long hill to catch the bus into town.
Since I’m #foreverhungry, Yolanda got me a peso pizza-less than $.50 for one!
Unfortunately, the bus drove by while we ate which my mom used to say “I told you so……!!!”. But another came just 20 minutes later…
The bus did eventually come, which took us back to El Capitolio. We got off there and headed to Los Nardos for lunch. A Cuba tradition! It’s a dark, little restaurant, located on the third floor of a building facing the Capitol.
These guys wanted their picture taken so why not make them blog famous
Lunch was good but I was still pretty full from that pizza. Sorry mom, you were right.
And after lunch, mom and I went on more walking adventures through the streets of La Habana Vieja. We stopped to sit in parks;Take pictures of people and things:
This man was very eager for me to take a photo since he “LOVESSSS Los Estados Unidos and Obama!!”
Appreciate the history, architecture, and beauty:
And take pictures of the sunset before heading home;
It was a long day, but another good one. We ended the day with rice, beans, beef, and plantains before ending up on the balcony and falling hard into sleep. The following day was our last in Havana- visiting Miramar!