Finally- almost a week later, I am writing the final Prague post. I am also planning to knock out Vienna and Budapest, so you may or may not see 5 new posts in one day. You have been warned.
Here we go…and for good measure, here is Prague I and Prague II.
The third day was our final full day in Prague, as we had plans to take an early morning train to Vienna the following morning. We got a bit of a late start (it´s exhausting being on your feet all day!) and once we got out, it started to rain a little bit (and it was cold! Hence the denim jacket…that I buttoned). it wasn´t too bad, but we stopped for some refreshments while we waited it out.The restaurant sells waffles so I asked the waitress if they sold CHICKEN (specifically fried chicken) and waffles. I asked as a joke and she was not amused. Haha. After waiting for a bit, we continued on! I think our only plans for that day were to kind of back-track through the places that we went during the walking tour on the first day.
Starting with Old Town Square and the Clock.
Meandering through the winding streets…
Through the Jewish quarter…
A couple of things we saw as we walked along…
And then back along the river (many hours later)…
To find dinner. Which we eventually found after a lot of back and forth and deciding which place to try. Eventually, we ended up back in the restaurant from our first night in Prague. While the food was a teeny tiny bit more expensive, it was good and the beer was good and I was about to keel over and die.
We may have gone a little bit over board with how much we orderd…we started the meal with an “appetizer” of two beef sausages with mustard and bread and beer….and then continued with all of this food. That was the first night I left dinner feeling super stuffed. But we walked a lot of it off and a nice stroll to the (free…) tram stop
That was the end of our time in Prague! The next morning, we took a 3 hour train (with wifi! Fancy!) to Vienna. It may be many years before I am back in Prague, but I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to get there and see it. I´ll be back- one day!