Finally! The end of the Italy posts! I didn’t think this day would come, but these posts certainly are my favorite to go back and read and I hope they are helpful for anyone out there who finds them.
So, Genoa. It was the last place on our tour and luckily, my good friend Kimber was able to meet us!!!
I met Kimber way back in December and she has been one of my best friends since then. We immediately hit it off and always have a good time together, so I was so happy she could come for a few days! She is living in Italy right now, so it was a pretty easy journey for her. The first night, we made quite the feast and stayed up late talking:
We rented a huge Airbnb in Genoa which had a fully equipped kitchen, lots of room to spread out, and an awesome view!
We had two fulls days, which we spent visiting different beaches:
The beach shown above is a “beach privati” aka a private beach, like many of the Italian beaches. Just 15 minutes down the road was the public beach, which is much more our speed.
It was SO HOT, but luckily, there was a nearby vendor selling umbrellas for just 12 Euros. It would have been torture without it, but with it…perfection.
Italy is known for having rocky beaches and this one was no exception. These girls had no trouble lying on top of them, but I thought they were extremely hot. (The rocks…not the girls lol)
We lounged under the umbrella, cooled off in the water, and relaxed.
When we had enough of the beach, we drove an hour back to Genoa and picked up ingredients on the way to make this epic lasagna:
More eating, wine drinking, talking, etc.
On the second day, we started with a Nike Training Club workout in our flat! I’m sure the downstairs neighbors thought something bad was happening haha. After a sweaty workout, we had breakfast and headed to the next beach!
Not as nice as the day before, but still beautiful. I am SPOILED.
We headed home early afternoon and parked in central Genoa so we could walk around the town…
We stopped to buy cannoli, which ended up being cannoli and gelato, which ended up being cannoli and gelato and shaved ice. When in Italy, my friends.
I see some hand modeling in our futures….
My homies^^^
And then headed home and feasted on leftover lasagna and fresh gnocchi with FRESH PESTO! Pesto comes from Genoa and if you want to be kind to yourself, you should go to any supermarket in Genoa and buy yourself a big vat of fresh pesto and a huge container of fresh pasta (gnocchi recommended) and eat it all.
The next morning, we had to be up at 5 am to leave home by 6 am and head back to Milan. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
Not fun, but the trip was AMAZING.