Where were we? Ah, yes….sleeping ten hours.
The second day in London had a forecast of rain. 100% rain. All day. FUN! I actually only took like 3 photos that day, but here is what we did:
We wanted to see the changing of the guards ceremony, which happens every other day, so we headed to Green Park and then started walking the ten minutes to the palace.
Unfortunately (or luckily, however you look at it), while we were walking, someone said the ceremony was cancelled because of the rain. Bummer! We looked on my phone and decided to walk the 25 minutes from there to The British Museum, which is huge, incredible, full of artifacts, and FREE. Although it was raining, walking was great because we got to see so much of the city! When we were cold and wet, we stopped for lattes and a pastry. Do like the Brits, ya know?
We had to wait in a bit of a line (in the rain) to get through security, so if you can go without a bag, that’s best. We only waited maybe 20 minutes though.
We spent most of the afternoon seeing the artifacts and reading a lot. My favorite exhibit was the mummy exhibit. Fascinating!
After the museum, it was still raining and raining and raining, so we headed to Piccadilly Circus (awesome area) and then over to Chinatown for dinner. It’s a really cool area- definitely full of Chinese restaurants and shops, but also lots of bars and has a young vibe. We didn’t have Chinese food, but we had Pho. Nothing sounded better than hot soup since the weather was so miserable!
It hit the spot! It was only 7:00 when we finished, but the weather was so miserable that we decided to head home, eat some ice cream, and crawl into bed. I really shouldn’t tell people that since it sounds soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lame, but it was awesome.
I don’t want to break apart the days, so I am going to end part II here and I’ll be back with part III. Adios!