I really hope IV is four in Roman Numerals? Someone? Anyone?
Anywho… Part I, Part II, and Part III
Here we are! Finally on day four…the final day in Amsterdam (since we left bright and painfully early the next day). I was DETERMINED to get my stroopwaffle on the last day. And maybe a pancake, but definitely a stroopwaffle. I did detailed research the night before (#priorities) and learned that Lanskroon is the best place in Amsterdam for hot, fresh, gooey stroopwaffles. So, off we went..
I wanted at least one picture where we didn’t look freezing and my eyes weren’t sleepy and droopy.
Fail. He looks good though. Also…look at my hand…. what haha
But despite droopy eyes, we made it!!! *Birds and angels singing*
That lady was really thrilled for me, too. I didn’t know what flavor to get since they had both cofffee-caramel AND honey-something, so we got both With coffee and tea.
The verdict? They were good, but not omgoutofthisworld good like I was hoping. I actually think the packaged ones are just as good or even better and the whole pack costs half as much as one of those things. I still ate the whole thing plus part of his because after all that fussing and bitchin’, I had to. And they were good so no regrets hah. That’s probably a “you’re so annoying” face.
And we left smelling like a big vat of oil thanks to fresh oliebollen being made in the bakery!!
Do you think the glasses are part of the chef costume? I was trying to decide.
Sufficiently full and smelling like fried everything, I didn’t really want a pancake anymore. We walked through the center a bit more, Luis had a sandwich (of course), then we stopped in a few stores (including Zara where I drenched myself in perfume….). Look at this holiday CRAZINESS!!!!!
Then we headed back past the Anne Frank House and across a few canals to the Jordaan area of Amsterdam.
I had read that it’s the artsy part of Amsterdam, full of cool cafes and shops.
It was quiant and quiet, and definitely less of a tousit attraction than the rest of Amsterdam.
The sun was setting and the cold was settling in.
We stopped in a cafe along the river for some coffee and tea and to chit chat for awhile. It was our last day and we were without a plan, so it was exactly what I wanted to do. By the time we made it out, it was dark and cooooold.
Those houses look so warm and inviting!!
We walked and walked and walked and had a destination of an Indonesian restaurant that came highly recommended on Google!! We wanted to try Indonesian food because …when in Rome (but not really). We figured Amsterdam was the place to do it and read that the traditional _____ were the best way to get a taste of everything. The “lowest level” menu comes with about 8 ‘main dishes’ and 3 sides plus rice to share.
All ranges from super spicy to mildly spiced and there was a variety of things to try- from eggs, to chicken, beef, lamb, and more. There were veggies, lots of peanut things, and lots of coconut. My favorite items were the chicken satay with the peanut sauce and the veggies in a spicy coconut sauce. We loved trying everything, but I think for the price they charge- the portions should have been a bit bigger. It was a enough for me, but Luis eats for three so there could have been more. It was a really great experience, though, and something I would 100% recommend if you are in Amsterdam and have had your waffles, pancakes, and pomme frites (french fries) and are ready for something different and interesting.
That was it for our trip!! We headed back to the AirBnB and 3 hours later, we were up for our early (seriously, why do planes even exist that early?!) flight back to Madrid for a wonderful celebration of New Year’s!!!
I can’t think of a better way to end what was one of the best years of my life and move into what will surely be even better.