Hi! I´m back with MORE Mallorca!
On the second day, we decided to make use of our car and go check out some of the stalagmite caves, which are (semi) famous in Mallorca….after the beach. But first we had breakfast!
We drove about an hour to Cuevas del Drach…or was it Cuevas del Hams? Not really sure and Google isn´t helping me figure it out. If you don´t know what stalagmites are (or you DO know and you want to read the Wikipedia article, click HERE) Anywho, we arrived, bought our (overpriced) tickets, and waited for the tour to begin.
And then did the whole tour thang…
The stalagmites and stalactites were quite impressive and they were interesting to see, but in all honesty, I (we, I think?) thought it was mostly a tourist trap. The tour was a lot of lights and music and irrelevant things and we didn´t learn all that much. For the price, I wouldn´t say this excursion is worth it, but I am glad we did it.
Luego…..we were off to greener pastures (but not green and not a pasture)#lunchvistas
So that happened, and then this happened:
Eventually hopped (drove) over to Palma to walk around, have dinner, and then (maybe?) watch the Real Madrid/ Atletico Madrid game. It was a big deal…apparently.
We walked and walked and talked and talked and then…gordito time.
I really have no idea what the name of this restaurant was but it was GOOD and highly recommended. They had a bunch of differnt tacos, some ceviche (didn´t try it), and some other things. We got beers and 4 tacos to split (pictured above: white fish with mango salsa, vegetarian taco with mushrooms, different types of cheeses and herbs, chicken with cheese and radishes, and a lamb taco with onion). I actually didn´t notice the amount of cheese whizz on those tacos while we were in the restuarant since it was pretty dark, so it must not have been noticable. The food was good, the place was small, and don´t go there if you´re gonna be talking to someone closely later because those tacos left us with all types of dragon breath. Hehehe
After dinner, we walked to a bar to catch the end of the game, which was exciting (for everyone else and sort of for me…) because it was 1-1. Real Madrid won and it was exciting and we did tequila shots and all that jazz. Ok, ok…it was exciting. Even for me!
We crashed hard (sleeping, not in the car!!) after all of that excitement and woke up early (ish) for our last day!!! So sad…
But not all that sad