Buenas tardes! If you´re catching up, here is Part ONE and part DOS
Our third day in Mallorca brought the prettiest views (in my opinion) and the most natural beauty.
It started with breakfast…of course… The beach on the first day was white sand // clear water beachy, but with restaurants and a lot of tourists. Still absolutely beautiful though…
The third day, though, had views that you might find on a postcard or computer screensaver.
However, before going to find the beach you see above (side note: EVERY TIME I say or write the word “beach” now, I always can hear my students snickering and giggling because to them, “beach” and “bitc-” have the same sound). Ok, so first we went to “Playa de Es Trenc” because it was described as “Lo mejor de Espana”.
What do you think? The beach was beautiful, but the sand was kicking up a storm so we lasted a whole…5 minutes. Literally set out the towels and then packed up and left. But I´m glad we did– because we drove to “Calo des Moro”, which was described on our little tour paper as “La perfecta piscina natural”. We stopped for lunch along the way and then parked and walked to the beach…
We climbed down a lot of steep and scary steps, and then found all of THIS:
Perfectly turquoise water, but a calm “natural swimming pool”, it was not. Some people were jumping into that water, but I surely was not. (Mom/ dad, do I make you proud?) We sat there for a few hours just staring out, out, out and then decided to walk a little bit and explore.
And lo and behold…we found the perfect natural swimming pools!
We didn´t have enough time to climb down to that beach, so we took in the views from above.
And then, if you saw on insta, you know we are a liiiiiiiiiittle bit stupid and didn´t check our flight info and didn´t realize our flight was a whole hour earlier than what we had thought. Hehe…oops. It all worked out, and we didn´t miss the flight, but I was absolutely cracking up at the sight of us flying through the airport, in flip flops, bathing suits, covered in sweat and sunscreen and with our towels still in our hands. It was a complete circus, but we made it.
I fell asleep on the plane, so content after an incredible weekend, happy with where I am and all of the people in my life. I´m one lucky girl.
Also, Dramamine is like a horse tranquilizer, but I am still very happy.