Hola a todos!!! Hoy voy a escribir en espanol, pero por abajo, puedes ver todo en Ingles (I will be writing this post in Spanish because home girl needs to practice, but you can find the post in English below).
El fin de semana pasada, fui a Ginebra, Suiza porque Luis esta trabajando por alli. Era la seguna vez que he ido a Suiza entonces era mucha mas tranquila! (Last weekend, I went to Geneva, Switzerland because Luis is working there. It was my second time in Geneva, so it was a lot more relaxed!)
Despues de una cena de Thanksgiving delicioso, fui al aeropuerto por la manana el viernes. Llegue en Ginebra a las 11 y fui andando al piso!! Luis estaba alli esperandome! Cuando el se volvio al trabajo, yo pase el dia cocinando un poco Era un dia tranquilo y cuando el se volvio a casa, cenamos y (hung out). (After a delicious Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I went to the airport Friday morning. I arrived in Geneva at 11 am and walked to the flat (took a tram and train too…). Luis was there waiting for me!!! (That was a happy surprise). When he went back to work, I spent the day cooking some things. It was a relaxing day and when he came back, we had dinner and hung out.)
Tuvimos planes para ir a Lausanne por el dia el sabado. Al final, el tren era un pooooooooooco (mucho) mas caro que habiamos pensado pero no pasa nada. Quieremos ir para ver Lausanne y conocer la ciudad. (We had plans to go to Lausanna for the day on Saturday. In the end, the train was a littttle (a lot) more expensive than we thought it would be, but it doesn’t metter. We wanted to go to see Lausanne).
En realidad, Lausanne es una ciudad bonita, pero no habia mucho para ver jaja. Fuimos andando por la ciudad… (hay muchas cuestas!) (In reality, Lausanne is a pretty city, but there wasn’t all that much to see haha. We walked through the city and there are so many hills!)
Como siempre, habia una catedral importante… (Like always, there was an important cathedral)
Y un mercado al aire libre… (And an open-air market)
Encontramos unas vistas bonitas…(We found some beautiful views…)
Al final del tunel era unas escaleras “famosas” con una cafteria pequena. (At the end of the tunnel. there were some “famous” stairs and a small cafe that was recommended online)
Tomamos un cafe, pero despues del cafe era lo mejor parte del dia…el supermercado MANOR. Un supermercado parecido a Whole Foods o Wegmans, con samples y comida fresca. Compramos comida alli (fruta, queso, pan, hummus, y lo mejor sandwich en el mundo). (We had coffee, but after the coffee was the best part of the day…the MANOR supermarket!!! It was a supermarket like Whole Foods or Wegmans, with samples and fresh-made food. We bought lunch there (fruit, cheese, bread, hummus, and the best sandwich in the world).
Pan blando (mi favorito…) con ricotta fresca, lechuga, y tomates (roasted). (Soft bread (my favorite), with fresh rictotta cheese, lettuce and roasted red peppers).
Estaba muy, muy feliz como la gordita que soy… (I was very, very happy like the gordita that I am…)
Decidiendo “como puedo hacer esto??” (Deciding “how can I do this??”
“Ok. Voy a probarlo…” (Ok. I am going to try it…”
“Boca grande!!!” (“Big mouth!!!”)
Esa es la cara de feliz. (This is the face of happiness).
Despues de ese sandwiche perfecto, fuimos andando al lago y jugamos en el (playground) un poco y despues, volvemos al centro y despues a Ginebra. Otra vez, el sabado era una noche tranquila y perfecta para mi. El domingo, no tengo ninguna foto porque era un dia en casa y despues al aeropuerto!!! (After this perfect sandwich, we walked to the lake and played in the playground there for a bit and then we returned to the center and after to Geneva. Again, Saturday night was a relaxing night, but it was perfect for me. On Sunday, I don’t have any photos from that day because we spent the day at home and then went to the airport!!!)
Al final, no hicimos mucho en Ginebra, pero era exactamente lo que queria. (Overall, we didn’t do a whole lot in Geneva, but it was exactly what I wanted).