On Monday, my mom and I took a GIRL’S DAAAAAAY (necessary), but not really…since my dad came But no girl’s day is complete without dad, right? RIGHT.
For our girl’s day, we wanted to do something adventure-ish, like biking, hiking, etc. (Does that go against all Girl’s Daaaaay Rules?)
My mom chose Lewes and Cape Henlopen, which is in Delaware, for a day of hiking, beach time, and food.
We started in Lewes with some lunch and then made our way to a few different trails to hike. Maybe it was just me, but it kind of felt like we kept starting hikes, only to decide to do a different hike. Nonetheless, it was still a really fun, beautiful, and relaxing day. And I got to spend it with the two best people in the entire world.
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:
On the way home, my parents dropped me off at Temple so I could join Russell at WINE NIGHT with our friends. This was my first time having a wine night, and if you think it sounds classy and proper, so did I. But, in fact, it was about as ratchet as they come! And it was SO MUCH FUN! Have you ever played “fishbowl”? It’s a drinking game that has 3-4 rounds of describing, using charades and making sounds to have your team guess what you’re portraying. Have you ever tried to be Jamie Foxx without talking? Yeah…
I’ve haven’t laughed that hard in a loooong time. So much fun, so much food, so much wine, so much ratchetness.