Ah, New York- the part we had all been waiting for! Ask any Spaniard where they want to go in the US, and they will undoubtabely say “New York”…and then you will roll your eyes because there are so many great places in the US, but I guess NYC is cool too This was Luis’ first visit to New York City, and while I have been there many times, I know how special this can be. I think we both had a great time!
We were both extremely excited for this mini 2-day trip, so as soon as we got there, we dropped our stuff at the airbnb and headed out!! It was raining, but that didn’t really stop us.
We started at the 9/11 Memorial Site, where we reflected at those huge pools and talked about 9/11. We wanted to go into the museum, but decided we would do that if we had extra time. Highly, highly recommended, though (both the museum and memorial, as I have seen both).
I think those fountains are so representative of the pride that Americans have and the way we unite in the face of tragedy. They are deep and seemingly infinite.
From there, we headed over to Wall Street so that Luis could see the bull.
And then the New York Stock Exchange.
We walked to the water to check out the free Staten Island Ferry (which is FREE), but since it was drizzly, we walked along the water and saw the Statue or Liberty!
After that, we hopped on the subway in search of a New York staple!
From Kat’z Delicatessen, the best of the best.
Well, on the way, we also had a knish from this place that’s been around for years. Yonah Schimmel’s Knishery:
We decided to walk from the Lower East Side and head all the way up to the Empire State Building.
And from there, we headed to Time’s Square for a hot second. No matter how many times you go to Time’s Square, I think it’s always one of those places that is so amazing and makes you feel so small in such a big place.
After walking for-e-ver (we covered like 25,000 steps!), we were starving and it was pouring, so we walked to Whole Foods and had a feast. I’ve never eaten a full meal there, but this was awesome!
Now I feel so inspired to find some of those salad recipes. I’ll get back to ya on that- how’s that for suspense?!
We headed home from there and luckily, the next day was completely dry
Coming soon!!