What I Ate Wednesday #7

Happy National Running Day!

I hope you took some time to celebrate by going out for a run in this awesome weather!  This is just how I like it- perfectly sunny, warm, but with a breeze and no humidity.  I celebrated with a four mile run this morning, but I actually didn’t remember it was National Running Day until after the run.  Oops!

ImageAnyway, back to WIAW!

(Thank you to Jenn at http://www.peasandcrayons.com/ for hosting!)


Oatmeal, banana, almond milk, peanut butter and a sprinkle of Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Granola

Even though I’m home, breakfast has stayed pretty consistent with what I ate at school, but now I get to enjoy breakfast al fresco!  Breakfast is absolutely my favorite meal of the day and I always look forward to it after a nice and sweaty workout.  That granola is dangerous stuff- so addicting.


While eating breakfast, I spent some time flipping through the new Runner’s World magazine and came across a recipe for a Quinoa and Kale summer salad that looked awesome.  We happened to have most of the ingredients, so I decided to give it a go!

Fresh from the garden

ImageImageThe salad had kale, quinoa, apricots, beans and a yogurt-based sauce.  I also added grilled chicken that we had in the fridge.  I really liked this salad because it was light and fresh tasting, which is great for summer when I don’t really want anything too heavy!  Next time, I think I’ll add more apricots for more sweetness.

After I made this salad, I caught the cooking bug and went a little crazy.  After my dad bought rice pudding last night, I looked up a recipe that I could make here.  I used the first recipe I found when I searched for “almond milk rice pudding” and oh my gosh, it came out so well!  I’m so full now because I kept tasting…and tasting…and tasting.  It’s creamy and cinnamony and just so good.  Okay, I’m rambling, but I’m really proud of myself!  I’ll post a recipe tomorrow since I did make a few changes and I think everyone should try making it- you won’t regret it, I promise!

ImageI also made oatmeal-raisin cookies that are more along the line of oatmeal-raisin clumps.  They’re okay, but not what I was hoping for!  I have no doubt that they’ll get eaten, though.

Dinner isn’t even on my radar right now, since I’m so full, but it’ll probably be something light…with a side of rice pudding.  I’m hanging out with Christine, John and Mike tonight down in their ‘hood, so I’ll be going wherever the wind takes me.


Have a great night!

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