What I Ate Wednesday! It’s Been so Long.

Happy Hump Day!

How’s your week treatin ya?  It’s one of those weeks that seems to be both flying by, and draaaaaging along.  This is my week of work, so that could have something to do with it.  I haven’t done a WIAW post in….forever, so I thought it would be fun to bust one out!

BreakfastDSC_0009Steel cut oats, yogurt, blues, banana, cherry jam, pb


…when I’m home from work:DSC_0005Eggplant parm, cucumber, fresh beets, a wedge of brie

When I’m at work (and includes all day snackage):DSC_0005Cuculbers, pasta with ratatouille, carrots (ended up in the trash!), nectarine, apple, fruit & nut bar


I forgot to take a picture last night (because I’m a ravenous dog when I get home from work at 8 pm), but dinner was grilled salmon with pesto, roasted potatoes, salad and fresh beets.


Ice cream is an equal opportunity player in my diet these days, so when we realized there was NO ICE CREAM (!!!) last night, we did the right thing.  We went right to the supermarket and bought 3 containers of it.  We actually had 5 containers, but for fear that my mom would breathe scary dragon breath because we dared to bring home inferior NOT Halo Farms ice cream, but limited to 3.  And one is a frozen yogurt, so all is good and well in the hood.DSC_0009-001

The Cafe latte frozen yogurt tastes very similar to the Edy’s Espresso Chip.  They have the same # of cals/ serving, but the froyo has more protein (and more sugar too), and less fat.  It’s a definitely a tasty sub for ice cream, but when Edy’s is 2/ $5…..who can resist?


See above lunch photo.  That is pretty standard…fruits, hummus, pretzels, snack bars, etc…oh, and whatever delicious treats might be hanging out on the table at work all. the. time.

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