What I Ate Wednesday #7

Happy National Running Day! I hope you took some time to celebrate by going out for a run in this awesome weather!  This is just how I like it- perfectly sunny, warm, but with a breeze and no humidity.  I celebrated with a four mile run this morning, but I actually didn’t remember it was […]

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WI [Will Be Eating] W

Good Evening! I wanted to do a WIAW post today, but my food has been pretty unappetizing and boring today (cereal, tuna sandwich, cheese stick, salad, etc), so I’m not really going to write about that.  Instead, I am going to write about what I will be eating as of next Monday. I’ve never really […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #7

Hi!  This beautiful weather is making everything happier and less stressful, so I’m able to pop in here and write this without feeling like I have a ton of work to do (which I do), but sunny days make everything better! Warm weather means meals eaten outside, and it also means I get to wear […]

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WIAW #6: Passover Style!

Hola! I originally started this post from the new WordPress app that I downloaded to my phone, but it wasn’t as easy as I was hoping it would be AND that draft didn’t save, so here we go- Take Two! As you may or may not know, this week is Passover, which means that my routine […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #5

Wow, I have been completely MIA for the last week and a half.  Every day has turned into “I’m going to blog…tomorrow“.  Well, every tomorrow has turned into a today, and then the cycle repeats itself.  Well, here I am! Instead of doing WIAW, I’m doing WIAOSB!  That is, What I Ate Over Spring Break! […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #4

Guys, hold on to your hats because I did something earth shattering-  I switched up my breakfast for the first time in probably two years! Strawberry- Banana 2% Greek Yogurt (my favorite) with a sliced peach, a handful of Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal and Barbara’s Shredded Spoonfuls, almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. There […]

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Hi Everyone! It looks like Wednesday is almost over at this point, but I still want to be a part of This is going to be short and sweet, so let’s get to it!  I have a biochemistry lecture that’s calling my name 😉 The day started with the usual- a half of a banana […]

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Oh man, I literally have 8 minutes to bang out this post.  Ready? GO! Obviously Wednesdays are back-to-back classes, meetings, and appointments, so my eating mirrors my life and it’s a little bit hectic and jumbled.  Here we go: The morning started with half of a banana and almond butter, but I forgot to take […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #1

Good evening, friends! I’m joining the WIAW bandwagon! A warning before I show any pictures: Breakfast, lunch, and all snacks were eaten while walking so the pics ain’t pretty! You’ve been warned! Breakfast was started with half of a banana and a smear of peanut butter. I literally eat the same thing for breakfast EVERY […]

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