San Sebastian Weekend.

I went on my first vacation from the vacation this weekend! Annie and I headed to San Sebastián, which is in the north of Spain (Basque Country), borders Portugal and is on the Atlantic Ocean….except it does NOT look like Atlantic City.  The water is…not brown. I am actually typing the skeleton of this post […]

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The Great Relaxer Hunt.

Good morning friends! I am blogging from school since I actually have a bit of a long break today (1.5 hours).  Yesterday the principle realized that my schedule on Tuesdays and Wednesdays is incorrect and instead of being here from 9:20-1:20, I should be here from 10:20-2:20.  Actually, on Wednesdays, instead of coming to their […]

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So Many Updates.

Happy, happy, happy, HAPPY FRIDAY! This week has literally flown by.  But at the same time, last Friday feels like a month ago.  In certain ways, I feel like I am getting into a certain groove here, getting into a routine and figuring out how to navigate this city fairly easily.   But then on other […]

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