Day in the Life: My First Week As An Auxiliar

I love looking back on old Day in the Life posts to see how my life has changed over time, so I plan to write a few of them while I am here in Spain.  This post that I am writing reflects a typical Monday, but Tuesdays and Wednesdays are a bit different in that I start my day at 10:15 and leave school at 2:20.  On some Thursdays (like today, for example!) I will be teaching private group lessons from 4-7 and probably won’t get home until almost 9:00 pm (but still plan to go out!!!!).  And of course, Friday- Sunday are different.  I don’t have class on Fridays so I usually spend it sleeping, exercising, teaching a private class, and relaxing.  The rest of the weekend is spent doing the same with lots of sleeping, some partying, some time with friends, etc.
6:30 am my alarm goes off
6:40 am my alarm goes off again because I hit snooze
6:45 shower/ brush teeth/ get dressed/ put on makeup
7:15 breakfast
7:30 clean up breakfast, grab last minute things and leave home (sometimes this happens as late as 7:45)
7:50 ish-8:30 take metro (2 of them)
and the bus to school.  Try to avoid falling asleep on the bus.
9:00 arrive at school and make small talk or play with my phone until my first class.
9:20  first class. Try to ignore the fact that my face is bright red and I’m sweating
10:15 class is over!
10:20 second class. Maybe I take a few students to play a game or do a small group lesson
11:10-11:40 Break time. Eat a snack and wish I had coffee.
11:40- 1230 third Class. This is my hardest class because I’m kind of tired and have one class left. Tough life.
12:30-1:20- last class! It usually flies by.
1:20-2:10 the bus can show up between any of these times and usually my bladder is full but I don’t want to leave the stop because what if it comes?!
Eventually it shows up and I ride the bus and then take two metros to get home.  I can get home as early as 2:45 or as late as 3:30.
3:30 eat lunch or second lunch
4:00 go run errands (food shopping, other shopping, clothes shopping, go to the bank, take a walk, go to a coffee shop.  Or sometimes I don’t do any of this and take a nap!  In the near future, I would like to fill this time with things like seeing friends, having a beer or getting some food and generally have “the Spanish experience”)
8:00 return home, exhausted. Kick off my shoes, check some websites and then eventually make my way to the kitchen to make some dinner.
9:00 dinner
10:00 or 10:30 get in bed and play with my phone until it’s time to sleep. I want to get some books and read instead of stare at my phone!  Or sometimes I am just going out at this time and I pay for it the next day…but of course, it’s worth it.

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