5 on a Friday – October 26

5 Things Friday

Hey there!  It’s that time of week again, the time when everyone has a little more pep in their step and despite the pending colder weather, things feel happier and brighter… at least for me… because it’s FRIDAY!  I do very much enjoy the weeks, but they are also so go-go-go that I end each day feeling pretty drained.  Actually, I got back in bed after getting up and having breakfast and slept for an additional 2 hours this morning and now I feel like a new person!  I have about an hour and a half before I need to run out the door to do a tour with 2 people from Canada, then I have plans to meet Lee (my brother) and then I have another tour with 1 person.  On the one hand, I am grateful to have the work and the tours always pass by quickly and are enjoyable, but on the other hand, the tours with just 1 person are not my favorite cup of tea.  I will say one thing, if I ever find myself on the dating market again, I do feel very well equipped to have boring conversations with people I find neither interesting nor attractive for extended periods of time, so at least there is an upside 😉

Anyway, here we are, back for another round of 5 on a Friday, where I tell you about 5 random things and you probably don’t care about the answers.  Let’s get to it!

1 // All of the suggest flavors for Bruja’s Bakery

5 Things Friday

I put a call on Instagram to ask for flavors people are interested in seeing on Bruja’s Bakery, and got so many interesting responses!  I mean, jalapeño cheddar, paprika, chocolate, lemon ? , blueberry, lots of whole wheat, spicy bagels, cherry, spinach, asiago cheese, and more!  Now I have lots of ideas running through my head.

2 // It makes my day to hear affirmation that people enjoyed their bagels

5 Things Friday

Making something and putting it out there for the world to try and critique and like or not like is so nerve-wracking!  Whenever someone writes to me saying they loved their xyz, it literally makes my day because it calls this feeling of omg they hate their bagels, they are going to tell everyone, I’m a failure, blah blah blah, which is the dumbest thing to feel because how often do you buy something from a big or small company and then go back and tell them how much you loved what you had?  I bet never.  Maybe we should start doing that.

3 // This weekend, Luis and I are going to Valladolid!  5 Things Friday

We are spending Saturday at a bodega to try wines, and then on Sunday, we will be in Valladolid!  I’m super excited and will report back next week.

4 // Luis just sent me this article about best breakfast in London and NOW I WANT TO GO TO LONDON ASAP!5 Things Friday

Punto y aparte (this means, moving on)… learned that in my class!

5 // Class is going so well

5 Things Friday

My class is great!  Super interesting, learning a ton, and now super scared to open any sort of business ever in my life 🙂

And for your viewing pleasure:

5 Things Friday

It says:

Theaters in the USA:

“What do you have in the bag?”

“An AK-47”

“No, what’s next to it”

“A bag of Cheetos”

“You can’t go in”

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