5 Things Friday: October 2018

5 Things

Hey there happy people!  I assume you’re as happy as I am that it is FRIDAY!  This week absolutely flew by for me and I felt like it was a go-go-go type of week, busy from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed.  Luckily, I have been feeling so much better these last couple weeks from back in the summer when I was insanely tired all the time.  My doctor prescribed (over the counter) slow-release iron pills, so maybe that is helping!  No matter where you are and what you do, I hope you have a lovely fall weekend!  I have some fun plans ahead of me, which I will share on Monday.  Until then, here are 5 things right now.

1 // Fall Recipes

I have totally gotten back on the cooking bandwagon, which I had fallen off of weeks… or months ago.  Maybe the hot weather just made me not want to cook, but I am happy to report back that I am feeling excited to cook again.  I was afraid the urge would never come back! I had a tour this week with two cancer research physicists who were both vegetarians and when they are home, they said they are mostly vegan.  I asked them if vegetarianism is the secret to a cancer-free life and they said that while it might not be the secret, it certainly cannot hurt to eat a high-veggie diet.  It sent me into a tizzy to get more vegetables into my diet, so I have been into lots of veggie grain bowls.  Here are some sites that I found with yummy looking recipes to try.

Baked Farro Mushroom and Kale Risotto

Autumn Harvest Salad with Pomegranate Seeds

29 Grain Bowls that are Perfect for Healthy Eating

Farro Salad with Figs, Kale and Goat Cheese

2 // Madrid BICI

If you are not yet using Madrid Bici, get on it!  I didn’t start using it until last year and I wish I had started earlier. It’s my favorite way to move around Madrid- it’s cost effective, good for your health, super fun, fast, and convenient!  There are bike pick up and drop off stations all over the city, and once you get the card, it’s super easy to grab a bike and go!  The bikes are motorized, so they move fast and if you don’t actually want to work too hard, you can turn the motor on and it feels like a motorcycle!  You can sign up HERE *if you have a transport card already, it’s only 15 euros to sign up.

3 // The sheep are coming to Madrid this weekend!!!

Sheep madrid

Every year, Madrid hosts an event called “Fiesta de la Trashumancia” where they have over 2,000 sheep walk through the center of Madrid!  They spend the night in Casa de Campo and then make their way to Sol, then to Cibeles and onto Paseo del Prado.  It’s incredible to see, so check it out and then head to brunch- that’s my plan 🙂

Also, random but when I searched on my Google Photos for last year’s sheep festival, look what came up!!  My little lamb!!

4 // Gearing up for Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie sales

5 Things Friday

For the last 2 years, I have sold pumpkin pies to all of the Americans here in Madrid during the week of Thanksgiving.  Last year I sold almost 80 pies and this year I am intending to sell more!  It’s still a ways away, but I am already gearing up and have purchased a full case of pumpkin, cake boxes with handles, and gold plates to put the cakes on.  Now let’s hope I get orders….

5 // Weekend Plans

Not too much in store for me this weekend- I have a tour tonight, then planning to get out for a run tomorrow, hang out with some of Luis’ friends, maybe go to dinner, see some sheep, have brunch, etc. etc!  Enjoy your weekend!!


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