Best Apps to Have When You Live (or Travel) Abroad

Good morning!

I am typing this post on Christmas Day, while my parents are napping since they traveled all night.  I was late picking them up to the airport since every piece of technology I own failed me, but alas, they are here in one piece and were only a little bit angry.  I, on the other hand, was a stressed, sweaty mess once I arrived 😉  I’m not sick of them yet, but I will be checking back in over the next few days and will update that status.

I’m actually not quite sure what to do with myself since they’re sleeping and Madrid is eerily quiet on this holiday.  Seriously, the hoards of African men that swarm around my apartment and this neighborhood day in and day out are not even there!  Where is everyone??  Hopefully my parents will be up soon, so we can go exploring.  Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and there were only minor arguments!

****OBVIOUSLY, I wrote this post weeks ago!


It’s actually incredible, to be living in another country…on an entirely different continent, yet many times, being here feels no different than being in any city in the United States.  I have the internet, I can talk to my friends whenever I want, I can walk and talk on the phone (cell phone OR house phone) with my parents, I can use maps, I can check my bank account.  I can do just about anything, thanks to a few apps that have made my life so much easier.

This list of the best apps to have when you’re abroad is in no particular order, except for the first one, which takes the cake.



WhatsApp is amazing.  Everyone and their mother uses WhatsApp in every country except the United States.  It allows you to text WhatsApp to WhatsApp using 3G or wifi.  You can also make calls WhatsApp to WhatsApp, again via 3G or wifi.  It allows you to see when messages are delivered, as well as read annnnd you can do voice messages, as opposed to just text.  It saves pictures and videos, and makes life generally so much easier.  iMessage?  What’s that?



MagicApp allows you to call any United States landline (or cell phone, apparently) for free via 3G or wifi.  This is awesome because I can call my house, my doctors office, my dad’s office, and many places that I need to call in Spain have an “international number” ie, a number in the US so I can call them and tell them I am in Madrid.  Now you have NO excuse to not call Grandma because she doesn’t use WhatsApp or Facetime or Facebook Messenger!  Just call her house 😉  I think there is a way to adjust the settings so people can reach you through the app, but I have not done this.  The downside is that you cannot call Spanish landlines.

Nike Training Clubapp3

I have professed my love for this workout app in the past, but here I am again, saying that I LOVE Nike Training Club.  Especially now that I don’t have a gym membership and running gets old.  NTC gives me quick 20 or 30 high intensity workouts that get the job done.  And there are always new workouts to try.  Usually, I do them in my room/ our apartment, but sometimes I run to the park and do them there like a lunatic.

Banking App


So in my case, I have an app for Firstrust Bank (my bank at home) which, especially when I arrived, allowed me to monitor the charges on my card, as well as ATM fees I was incurring.  Now, I also have an app for EVO (my bank in Madrid) which allows me to monitor my income and spending.  I check both weekly.


I had to re-download and re-register for Spotify in Spain so that I am able to continue using it for free.  If you use your American account, after 2 weeks of your “free trial”, the app will tell you that you have to pay for the international version.  If you make a new account, you can be Spanish and continue listening to all the Viva Latino that you want 😉


This one needs no explanation, other than the fact that I lie in bed a few nights a week and watch my favorite shows/ movies, as well as some new Spanish entertainment that I have never seen.

Madrid Specific Apps



This is an app to let you figure out the best route to take via metro, but I only use it as a map.  I have tried to screen shot the Madrid Metro map, but it comes out pixelated and blurry, so having this app lets me use the map.



This app lets you see schedules and plan trips with Metro, Bus, and Cercanias (the train).  I use it when I’m at school because it lets you input the bus stop code and see when the next bus is coming.  This is helpful in the winter, so I don’t have to stand outside too long!

Ke Buena


Good Spanish music!  They also have a radio station, but for us radio-less, car-less folk, the app is a good option.  I use it on the way to school everyday, as well as when I go running, but I’m sure it’s a data sucker.  The downside to this app is that during the afternoon, it’s alllllll talking and no music.

Other apps to use for calling:


Facebook Messenger

I hope you find this post helpful!  Am I missing any?  *Crickets*

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