What I Ate Wednesday #7

Hi!  This beautiful weather is making everything happier and less stressful, so I’m able to pop in here and write this without feeling like I have a ton of work to do (which I do), but sunny days make everything better! Warm weather means meals eaten outside, and it also means I get to wear […]

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March Foodie Penpal Review

This past month, I participated in the Foodie Penpal program hosted and organized by Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean.  Foodie Penpals matches people (both bloggers and readers) up to send fun, new, and interesting products to someone that you have never met.  Lindsay does all of the matching and tells you who will be […]

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WIAW #6: Passover Style!

Hola! I originally started this post from the new WordPress app that I downloaded to my phone, but it wasn’t as easy as I was hoping it would be AND that draft didn’t save, so here we go- Take Two! As you may or may not know, this week is Passover, which means that my routine […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #5

Wow, I have been completely MIA for the last week and a half.  Every day has turned into “I’m going to blog…tomorrow“.  Well, every tomorrow has turned into a today, and then the cycle repeats itself.  Well, here I am! Instead of doing WIAW, I’m doing WIAOSB!  That is, What I Ate Over Spring Break! […]

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What I Ate Wednesday #4

Guys, hold on to your hats because I did something earth shattering-  I switched up my breakfast for the first time in probably two years! Strawberry- Banana 2% Greek Yogurt (my favorite) with a sliced peach, a handful of Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal and Barbara’s Shredded Spoonfuls, almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. There […]

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Peanut Butter Banana Protein Muffins

Good Morning! I apologize to anyone out there the reads my Fitness Friday posts-  I decided to head home yesterday afternoon and spent the majority of my time at home getting some homework done until dinner was ready.  I will be sure to write a great post next Friday! I love being so close to […]

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Hi Everyone! It looks like Wednesday is almost over at this point, but I still want to be a part of This is going to be short and sweet, so let’s get to it!  I have a biochemistry lecture that’s calling my name 😉 The day started with the usual- a half of a banana […]

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Healthy Eating; In the Dining Hall

Instead of talking about my lame weekend and admitting to how unexciting it was, I think I’ll just skip that and talk about something else instead! Remember that time I said I would write about healthy campus eating soon?  Things don’t always go as planned apparently, because here we are, three weeks later! Well, why […]

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Oh man, I literally have 8 minutes to bang out this post.  Ready? GO! Obviously Wednesdays are back-to-back classes, meetings, and appointments, so my eating mirrors my life and it’s a little bit hectic and jumbled.  Here we go: The morning started with half of a banana and almond butter, but I forgot to take […]

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