Hi, friends! I hope you had a fun weekend- I sure did. Friday was pretty basic- dinner, Shark tank, fall asleep on the couch #oldlady. But Saturday, SATURDAY was fun! Like any good weekend, brunch was involved, and like any good meal, it was a Groupon! Woohoo! We love Groupon. I found the Groupon on […]
Summer Fun Check-List
As summer quickly comes to a close, there are a few things that I would LOVE to do before all light from the outside world comes crashing around me and my freedom. I want to do the quintessential summer fun things, but time is a ticking and running out quickly! Summer Fun List Go to […]
Pretzels and The Leftovers.
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I hope your day is going swimmingly. Breakfast + Workout Today started with a big breakfast-the usual oats, followed by a solid workout with Maeghan. After meeting at our normal spot, we jogged two miles to the gym, where we each did our respective workouts. I completed a shoulder and […]
Philadelphia Folk Festival 2014.
Happy-hippity Monday! As I mentioned on Friday, I spent the weekend at the 53rd Annual Philadelphia Folk Festival, which is put on every year by the Philadelphia Folk Society. Russ has been going every year since he was born (as have many of the attendees), but this was only my second year going. I can […]
Five Friday Favorites.
How about an alliteration to start your day? Happy Friday!!!! Any fun plans for the weekend?! I’ll be away for the weekend, which I’m SO excited for! Russ and I will be at Folk Fest, which is a weekend-long camping/hippie-ing/folk festival. Russ has been going every year since he was a baby, and I, well […]
Weekend in Manayunk & Other Random Things
Gooood morning and Happy Monday Tuesday! (I really tried to get this posted yesterday…) How was your weekend? Does anyone else enjoy the fact that I ask these questions as if someone out there actually answers?! I know you people read this every once in awhile, so feel free to come out of hiding and […]
Weekend: Game Night-Punta Cana Reunion & Family Brunch.
Good Morning!How was your weekend? Did it fly by like usual? Yes, mine did too. I unexpectedly had the day off on Friday (woo!), but then it happened to be a day that poured and stormed all day. Of all the days I take off… But anyway, I used the day to do some odds […]
Marsh Creek State Park.
Happy Wednesday! Full disclosure: That originally said “Happy Monday, but I caught the mistake right before posting it. But today is Wednesday, so…Anyway, how was your weekend? Relaxing? Crazy? Fun? Productive? Mine was a little of each and it definitely flew by! Russ and I went out with my friend Angela in Philly on Friday […]
Merengue @ Vango.
Hey there! How’s everything been going for ya’ll? It’s been a busy week, hence the lack of posts, but I’m going to make it a point to get over here every day-ish. I mean, my job does entail sitting around for 3+ hours a day, so I really have no excuse. Anyway, yesterday was my […]
Peru: Volunteering & Your Very Generous Donations.
Good Morning, everyone! Although I have been posting glimpses of my days in Peru, I haven’t talked much about or shown much of my volunteering in childcare. That is why I went, after all. As I explained before, I went to Peru to volunteer with children for one month. Going into it, I didn’t really know what […]