Cooking: see above. But I’ve also been making quiche the last couple of weeks. Easy and healthy and too good.
Drinking: tea. so much tea. Is that bad for you?
Reading: nothing. but sometimes I read old copies of the New York Times Magazine that my mom left for me and I find them highly entertaining.
Wanting: a new winter coat. and with that being said, i don’t want it to get any colder. I’m very much enjoying this comfortable, brisk sweater-weather. also wanting more thick, baggy sweaters and winter dresses. it’s that season, ya’ll!
Looking: forward to THANKSGIVING!!! I was sad that I was making all of these pies for people and didn’t have my own TG plans, but then one of my customers invited me to hers. free pie for YOU. I’m so excited.
Eating: “pumpkin pie” oatmeal. oatmeal + milk + cinnamon + pumpkin puree + a sprinkle of stevia. (and coffee!)
Wishing: for time to slow down. i am so aware of how lucky i am to be here, now, doing what i’m doing. but this lifestyle certainly can’t be forever so i want it to all slow down. I can’t believe 3 months of this year have already vanished.
Enjoying: traveling so much! Geneva! San Sebastian! Bilbao! Lyon! Oviedo! Geneva (again!)
Loving: my hair straight! haven’t washed it in a week because it was $$$. my mom is gagging reading this. i plan to wash it tonight, ma.
Hoping: that i can access Netflix from Geneva because the GILMORE GIRLS MOVIES comes out next week and instead of walking around the city on friday, I plan to cozy up on the couch with Lorelai and Rory. mah girls.
Listening: Modern Love podcast. I’m completely hooked! my roommates told me about it a few weeks ago and I listed to half of one episode and turned it off. this week, i gave it another shot and i’m loving it. they’re short and sweet and they always make me feel like i’m going to cry, but in a good way.
Wanting: a new winter coat. and with that being said, i don’t want it to get any colder. I’m very much enjoying this comfortable, brisk sweater-weather. also wanting more thick, baggy sweaters and winter dresses. it’s that season, ya’ll!
Looking: forward to THANKSGIVING!!! I was sad that I was making all of these pies for people and didn’t have my own TG plans, but then one of my customers invited me to hers. free pie for YOU. I’m so excited.
Eating: “pumpkin pie” oatmeal. oatmeal + milk + cinnamon + pumpkin puree + a sprinkle of stevia. (and coffee!)
Wishing: for time to slow down. i am so aware of how lucky i am to be here, now, doing what i’m doing. but this lifestyle certainly can’t be forever so i want it to all slow down. I can’t believe 3 months of this year have already vanished.
Enjoying: traveling so much! Geneva! San Sebastian! Bilbao! Lyon! Oviedo! Geneva (again!)
Loving: my hair straight! haven’t washed it in a week because it was $$$. my mom is gagging reading this. i plan to wash it tonight, ma.
Hoping: that i can access Netflix from Geneva because the GILMORE GIRLS MOVIES comes out next week and instead of walking around the city on friday, I plan to cozy up on the couch with Lorelai and Rory. mah girls.
Listening: Modern Love podcast. I’m completely hooked! my roommates told me about it a few weeks ago and I listed to half of one episode and turned it off. this week, i gave it another shot and i’m loving it. they’re short and sweet and they always make me feel like i’m going to cry, but in a good way.
Feeling: anxious. busy. happy. contemplative. i have been having a small-ish (yet significant) amount of anxiety about next year. it seems like all we talk about is next year. staying or going? it feels so complicated and so huge and it hurts my stomach and my heart to think about it. more on this to come.
Wearing: black pants, black boots, a grey sweater, and the faint smell of baked goods.
Watching: Jane the Virgin. it’s on Netflix and it’s a good show.
Wearing: black pants, black boots, a grey sweater, and the faint smell of baked goods.
Watching: Jane the Virgin. it’s on Netflix and it’s a good show.
Bookmarking: this recipe for Pumpkin Icebox Cake. i may be all pumpkin’d out by next week, but this dessert looks so good and i have a minor obsession with the cookies that are in the recipe. perfect with tea…like everything.