Friday Favorites 10/17/2014

Haaaaappppyyy Friday to You and Yours!!

This week fah-lew by, thanks to a biology test, and just the ush (short for usual?).

So…Friday favorites.  I love these posts by other bloggers (and other blogger), but mine won’t be as pretty or as fun.  You are warned.

1.  Trader Joe’s Crunchy Salted Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia Seeds.peanut butter

Ohmygosh this peanut butter is incredible.  The little chia seeds stuck in your teeth after lunch/breakfast/all day are so completely worth it for the crunchiness that they provide.  And the peanut butter itself is perfectly salty, but so is just salt itself, so that says, um, nothing.  Try it.

2. Starbucks.starbucks

I’ll preface this with saying that I’m half anti-Starbucks.  Why pay $27.00 for a coffee when you could pay like $1.00 for an xxtra large (#McDonald’sforthewin).  But…I tried my friend’s iced coffee something with turtle nut something and it was SO GOOD.  And my mom very generously gifted a Starbucks gift card with $2.94 on it, so the stars aligned and I was able to get myself a nice hot cup ‘o Cafe Americano with a 1/2 pump of turtle syrup.  It took me a whole 5 minutes to work up the courage to actually order (the sizes!  the syrups!  the types of milk!- all too much for me).  But so worth it and so good.  Powered us through an entire chapter of physics (snooze).

3. Organix DIY Brazilian Keratin

I heard about this stuff last year and the person told me “it worked so well!!!” and as someone that has paid an embarrassingly high amount of money for relaxers, I heard “same treatment for 1/500th of the price!!!”.  So, naturally I had to give it a try.  I wasn’t able to find it in stores, but I saw that it’s on Amazon for around $15, but then found it at Bed Bath & Beyond and with that 20% off coupon…badabing!  Not too pricey.  Of course, I knew it wouldn’t work as well, but I thought it could act as a placeholder for when my hair starts to go wild and I am replenishing my entire life savings for a treatment.  I tried it once during the summer and it was “eh”.  I think the humidity killed any magic that the stuff could work.  But then, then!  I tried it again last week and it was completely different.  I have noticed a difference in the frizziness of my hair.  Of course, it’s not on the salon-poison level that I love, but its getting the job done…for now.

4. Gilmore Girls.

Season one, episode 7, 5 days.  And all these years later, I still want to be Rory Gilmore when I go to college.  Forever and always.

59119834efad6a7ccf249f749b6290d9 come and get it

5. Food Prep.lunch

After surviving off of mini apples and peanut butter sandwiches last week, I decided that this week, there would be a large change in the food departamento.  So in between all of my notstudying (Insta, twitter, FB….) I boiled eggs, cut veggies.  Ok so that’s all I did, but…BUT it was helpful for the lunch packing procession that occurs every night.  And there is really nothing more fun than eating a hard-boiled egg in a small room!



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