Fitness Friday

Happy, Happy Friday!

I don’t know about anyone else, but this was a looooooong week for me!  I’m happy to see the weekend and excited for the next few days!  I don’t have too much on the agenda, but I’m looking forward to the Super Bowl!  Let’s just say I have a list of 17-yes, 17- recipes that I want to make.  Of course, that probably won’t happen, but I’m excited to make a bunch of yummy things!  I’ll share ’em on Monday.

Until then, here is my Fitness Friday recap of this week!

Saturday: 30 minute run on the treadmill + some abs.  It always feels good to start the weekend off with a workout!

Sunday: Rest.

Monday: 30 minutes of cardio, broken up by 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes of treadmill jogging and 10 minutes of treadmill sprint intervals.

Tuesday: 15 minute jog outside (because it was freezing and my hands were on the verge of hypothermia), 5 minutes on the elliptical, 16 minutes on the treadmill.  I had 50 minutes to workout, shower, dress, eat, and pack my bag.  I made it work 🙂

Wednesday: 25 minute run on the treadmill with 15 minutes of sprint intervals + triceps + abs.

Thursday: 4 mile run outside!  It felt especially warm yesterday, so I decided to do my cardio outside.  After the run, I checked the weather and it was 23 degrees!  I guess I have gotten used to sub-10.  After the run, I did a quick biceps + back workout and some abs.  Later that night, I was feeling restless and anxious, so I hopped on the stationary bike for 25 minutes of easy riding.  It was just what I needed.

Friday: As soon as I hit publish, I’m heading out to BodyPUMP!  Looking forward to giving it another try!

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Do something fun!

p.s.  I am going to try to take some time this weekend to prepare a few extra posts for the upcoming week.  I really don’t like only posting 2x a week, but it’s difficult to find extra time during the week.  Okay, that wasn’t entirely true…but I’m tired after classes and work every day!  I’m working on it.

p.p.s sorry for no pictures!


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