Fitness Friday: Better Late Than Never!

Right?!  It’s almost Fitness Saturday at this point, but I figure better late than never!

Before I get to exercise, here is today’s lunch!  Just wanted to share because it was really yummy and it came from the dining hall (oxymoron sentence).photo(3)Brown rice with quinoa, lime spinach and pepper sautee, fresh spinach, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, corn, lots of sunflower seeds, hummus, and orange slices.

It was the perfect post-workout meal!  Oh, and sunflower seeds are my new thing.  I really can’t get enough of them!


Sunday:  Rest!

Monday:  20 minute morning jog on the treadmill

Tuesday:  3.5 mile run through town, triceps workout and abs

Wednesday:  20 minute morning jog

Thursday: Get ready for this!  I went to SPINNING!  And it was absolutely wonderful.  One of my morning classes got cancelled so I was able to go and get my spin on.  I rounded it out with 5 minutes of jogging and 5 minutes of the stair master and then abs.

Friday: I was super crunched for time, so I ran/walked 20 minutes on the treadmill, then did the following:

  • 60 lunges
  • 20 center squats, 15 ballet squats (x 3 of each)
  • 3 sets of five side to side squats with 3 squat jumps in each rep (<– these BURN)
  • Hip adductors at 120 lbs (3 sets)
  • 3 other leg machines but don’t know the names!

That’s it!  Hoping to get to a few spinning classes next week since it’s finals week and my schedule is more open (another oxymoron)!  Have an awesome weekend and get moving!


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