Fitness Friday: Memorial Day Weekend

Good Afternoon, friends!

I hope you have grand plans for grilled food, pools (?!?), and friends and family!

We don’t exactly have much planned (as in, we have nothing planned), but I know there will be some grillin’!

If you can squeeze in 30 minutes between the burgers and brats, there is a quick running workout at the bottom of this post.

Last Week’s Workouts

Sunday: Rest.

Monday: 3 mile run and 45 minute NTC- super sweaty!

Tuesday: 6.5 mile run with Leland!

Wednesday: 3 mile run, 60 lunges, 15 squats and 15 sumo squats (super-sets), side-to-side moving squats, jump squats, leg workouts on the floor. —> this entire workout smoked my legs.

Thursday: 3 mile run, 100 lunges, kick-back sliders,  leg press, 3 x 15 up-right rows, skull-crushers and reverse skull crushers.

Friday: 3 mile run, and then my BodyPUMP-inspired workout, finished up with 11 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.

3,2,1,1,2,3 Memorial Day Weekend Runner- Enjoy this workout on one of the beautiful sunny days- on a track, in your neighborhood, or even on a treadmill!

MDW Runner Workout



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