Fitness Friday: Oh, The Places You’ll Go

Congrats!  You’ve made it through another week!  I hope you get to wake up late, eat something good, see your friends, do whatever it is that you enjoy doing!  As for me, I plan to go home his weekend, park my butt on the couch, and stay there until I hear the sweet sound of the dinner bell coming from ANYWHERE but our dining hall.  CAN’T WAIT!  I also plan to get some homework done, hangout with Russy, sleep, get to the gym with my dad…and stay on the couch for too many hours.

This week was a busy one, but I managed to fit in some good workouts!photo(61)

Saturday: I went for a 3.5 mile run, ran another ten minutes on the treadmill, then finished up with five minutes on the stair master (and almost died of not being able to breathe!) and then did some ab stuff on the floor.

Sunday:  Three mile run, followed by a mishmash of upper body exercises with 30 second bursts of cardio in between each set.  Holy moly, I was sore until TUESDAY!  And since I worked a bunch of muscle groups, my triceps, biceps, abs, shoulders, back, and legs were sore.  But in the good way 🙂

Monday:  I usually don’t workout on Mondays and Wednesdays, but now that the sun is up at 6:45 am, I have been making an effort to get up at do 15-20 minutes of cardio.  So I got up and did that.  It really sets the tone for the day and leaves me feeling energized!

Tuesday:  Guess who ran SEVEN MILES with NO knee pain?!?!?!  I planned to run six, but by the time I got back, I had done 6.35 so I hopped on the treadmill to round it out at seven and I was feelin’ goooood!  I did start to feel some pressure, so had I attempted eight, there would have been pain.  Boo.

So the title of this post!  I made that the title because on Tuesday’s run, I decided to change things up a bit and try to get “lost” around town.  Of course I had my phone with me, so I was never really lost, but I ran on completely new streets, finding new territory and new paths.  photo(65)photo(62)

It got me thinking about how many places I’ve been able to see and discover because of running.  When you drive, you hardly notice your surroundings, but when you run, you see EVERYTHING.  Sometimes I wish I didn’t see as much as I do because I stop and take pictures of all the pretty leaves and berries and  Running gives me a chance to explore new places and “find my way” home.  I got lost for SEVEN miles and saw all these new places right around

Wednesday:  5 minutes incline walking, 5 minutes jogging and repeat both x 2

Thursday:  5 minutes of incline walking, ten minutes of jogging, then I got bored and decided to go for a two mile run outside.  It’s just so much more enjoyable to be outside.  Then I did a few triceps exercises with 30 seconds of cardio or ab work in between each set.

Friday: Not feeling too hot, so decided to nap and take it easy.  I need the rest 🙂

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