
Ah, the weekends just get better and better each week!photo(52)

This weekend started on Thursday night on Halloween.  We had a Spooktacular Halloween social on Thursday night, complete with spooky snacks, pumpkin painting, mummy racing, and Halloween music.DSC_0003 DSC_0006 DSC_0013 DSC_0012 DSC_0009 I had more than my fair share of candy and other sweets.  It was all just too good to pass up.DSC_0019

And look how cute everything is!DSC_0029 DSC_0025 DSC_0022 DSC_0027 DSC_0033 DSC_0034 DSC_0056 DSC_0036Friday was spent doing homework, hanging out with my main squeeze (Christine) and then Russy came here for a visit.  We didn’t have a costume, so Russ and I quickly put together a costume that ended up being hilariousphoto(54)

I mean, not that many people were dressed up so we looked completely ridiculous, but we didn’t care 🙂

photo(51)photo(53)photo(55)photo(57)Can you tell what we are?  We’re TOURISTS!!! We have maps, cameras, crazy shirts, the works!  Look- we’re even posing with the famous Christine statue 🙂photo(58)

We didn’t actually go out til pretty late, so we got back pretty late.  While Russ slept in, I went to the gym for a decent workout.  I ran 3 miles outside, then five minutes on the treadmill and completed five minutes on the stair master.  That machine is NO JOKE.  I needed to take a break after two minutes and take a breather. phew.  After some quick abs, I met up with Russy for brunch!  Our favorite meal of the weekend.DSC_0066 When we were done eating, we went for a short walk so I could take pictures of leavesDSC_0075DSC_0081photo(41)DSC_0094DSC_0101DSC_0108DSC_0131Yeah, I’m weird, but they’re just SO PRETTY.  Russ wants to get a leash for me because I have a tendency to walk off when I see pretty leaves.  They just call to me🙂DSC_0146

We spent the rest of this beautiful day at the mall (fail), but it was actually a success because Russ got a suit that he has very much been in need of.  He cleans up so well, right?photo(49)


After the mall, Russ and I used a Groupon at Spice, an Indian restaurant in West Chester.photo(48) photo(47)photo(46)The food was good, but Russ and I both agreed that we probably wouldn’t go back without a Groupon.photo(45) photo(44) It was a little too expensive for our poor college student existence.  Russ and I finished the night at an event that was being put on my the Latino American Student Organization.  We just happened to be walking by, so we stepped inside to watch people dancing and then join in on the salsa dancing ourselves.  Well, we don’t technically know how to salsa, but it was fun!

The rest of Saturday was spent hanging out, watching some tv and just chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool, shootin some b-ball outside the school…

I’m dumb and didn’t realize it was daylight savings time, so I woke up at 8:30 well rested and confused.  Hey, an extra hour in the day is awesome!  I did some homework, went to the gym and then met Russy for brunch again.

The rest of Sunday was pretty standard...homework, coffee, food, sleep, repeat.  Except for dinner!  Christine and I went to The Charcoal Pit with Bobby and Justin! (<– That’s a hyperlink for Justin since now he’s FAMOUS!)  The food was okay, but burgers and burgers, right?  We had the craziest waitress that kept saying YEAH YEAH YEAH, and at one point, she said something along the lines of WAZZLE DOOZLE DOO!  It was so strange.  But she gave us a good laugh, haha.  After the food, we left stopped at an Irish Pub and played a few rounds of pool. Or…we all lost a few rounds of pool 🙂DSC_0151 DSC_0152 DSC_0156 DSC_0162 DSC_0168Well, another weekend gone, but that just means I’m one night closer to the next one.  Here’s to hoping for a great week 🙂DSC_0216

For you and for me!

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